Tyr Anasazi

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Tyr Anasazi is a male Human that features in the TV series Andromeda.



Tyr Anasazi was a member of the Nietzscheans species thus was a genetically engineered offshoot of mankind and was a member of the Kodiak Pride. It was known that his Pride suffered from an inter-clan conflict leading to its destruction and leaving Tyr as one of the only, if not few, survivors. Following that time, he adopted the life of a mercenary where he became highly skilled in the profession. It was suspected by some that he was doing this in order to prove his genetic traits so that he could be accepted into another Pride. He was hired by the Nightsider Gerentex during the attempted salvage of the High Guard vessel Andromeda Ascendant. Tyr was kept in stasis but awakened when Captain Dylan Hunt prevented the salvagers from claiming the ship and decided that he wanted to restore the Systems Commonwealth. Thus, Gerentex had hired Tyr along with a small group of mercenaries to eliminate the threat. Tyr easily managed to dispatch the android crew that remained and managed to cause Captain Hunt to flee from the bridge. Afterwards, Anasazi was tasked with breaching the computer core but was ambushed by Hunt who managed to defeat as well as capture one Tyr's fellow mercenaries. Tyr later commented to his employer Gerentex that Dylan Hunt was waging a guerilla battle and had full knowledge of the terrain which was why he was difficult to eliminate. Upon learning that the Andromedas AI was attempting to take control of the Eureka Maru, Gerentek abandoned the ship along with a number of his crew which included Tyr Anasazi. The Nightsider attempted to destroy the Andromeda Ascendant by pushing it back into the black hole. Facing the possibility of death, Tyr attempted to enter into stasis in the hope of surviving but Captain Hunt came and proposed a solution which involved Anasazi taking the role of the vessels fire controls officer in order to launch forty Nova bombs into the black hole thus reversing its effects and allowing the Andromeda Ascendant to pull free. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)


Personality and attributes

As was the case with most Nietzscheans, Tyr was focused simply on survival and he claimed that he cared little about the universe; it did not matter even if all the suns in the cosmos died so long as he was there to see it and survived was all that was important to him. He also did not believe in leaving his enemies alive. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

Furthermore, as he was concerned with obtaining power, he was marvelled by the fact that the Andromeda Ascendant carried forty Nova bombs and commented on the power available to the ship and how it could be used. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

On Captain Hunt during their first encounter, Anasazi commented that Dylan was a survivor and that he would not be easy to kill. Whilst this was the case, in a later fight he told Captain Hunt that he was incapable of defeating him as he was self assured of his own combat skills as well as superiority. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

Similar to many of his kind, he initially held an aversion and hatred of Rev Bem due to the fact he was a Magog. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

Powers and abilities

By the time he was an adult, Tyr was already a skilled combatant and described as being a veteran mercenary which was why he was expensive to hire. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

During his assignment on the Andromeda Ascendant, he made use of a rifle and had a hidden blade by his boots. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)

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