Vengeance (Bionicle)

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Vengeance in the LEGO Brickmaster Magazine.

Vengeance is a male villain character who features in BIONICLE (Generation 1).



3000 years ago, the Dark Hunter codenamed "Vengeance" fought in the final battle of the Toa-Dark Hunter War against Toa Lhikan, but was defeated and trapped. Years passed before Vengeance managed to escape, but when he sought revenge on Lhikan, he discovered that the Toa had already been killed by Makuta Teridax. Cheated of his revenge, Vengeance turned his rage to Teridax and vowed that he would kill the Makuta instead.

When Teridax was killed in the Battle of Bara Magna and the Matoran Universe was critically damaged, Vengeance's goal was rendered unobtainable and he was forced to emigrate from the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna to survive.


Personality and attributes

Like most living beings native to the Matoran Universe, Vengeance is a biomechanical lifeform whose body consists of both organic and metallic protodermis. As his codename suggests, he is unwavering in his goal to bring vengeance to his enemies.

Powers and abilities

Vengeance is capable of flight with his wings and has two horns on his head that deflect psychic attacks. He can generate Rhotuka spinners that, when fired, continuously phase in and out of existence until they reach their target, where they become solid and sharp enough to slice through even the hardest metals. Vengeance's weapons are a staff and an extremely strong shield that is capable of deflecting almost any attack.


  • The Vengeance model was created by Malone Lumarda and entered into the LEGO Magazine Dark Hunter Building Contest in 2005. Vengeance was one of the winning entries and was canonized by BIONICLE lead writer Greg Farshtey, but was not featured in the BIONICLE: Dark Hunters guidebook. Vengeance was featured in the May-June 2006 issue of LEGO Brickmaster Magazine instead.


  • LEGO Brickmaster Magazine (January-February 2007)

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