Exo (Destiny)

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The Exo are a machine race that features in Destiny.



Exominds was mechanical beings created by humanity during the Golden Age where they were creations of the Clovis Bray Corporation. The Exo Project sought to digitally process a human consciousness and place it within a mechanical shell. Early experiments in encoding the human mind faced many challenges. One was the phenomena known as Dissociative Exomind Rejection (DER) whereby the nascent Proto-Exo's developed serious symptoms of cognitive disorder which eventually led to their death. This was attributed to the human mind being unable to recouncile its presence within a new body.

In the Post-Collapse era, many Exo's in the resultant Dark Age joined alongside their organic brethren in helping build the Last City with a number of their kind becoming Guardians.


In appearance, the Exo's were robotic beings that were designed in the form of their human creators.

The reboots did not entirely wipe away their past memories with some remaining that was amplified, scrambled and reshuffled like fragments.

The Exo's believed in a famous subroutine known as the Deep Stone Crypt that was believed to had seeded the first of their kind's consciousness. Some of their number experienced a flashback of the subroutine that took the form of a dream where a tower lay on a black plain. During this moment, some of the dreamers made it to the tower in peace whilst others were forced to slay an army of everyone they ever met in order to reach it.


  • Ada-1 : a female Exo who was a survivor from the Golden Age and the caretaker of the Black Armory.
  • Banshee-44 : a gunsmith who resided at the Tower in the Last City.
  • Cayde-6 : a Hunter Guardian who joined the Vanguard that protected the Last City.
  • Exo Stranger : a mysterious female Exo with no ties to the Guardians who was involved secretly in the efforts to stop the Darkness and aided the Young Wolf by revealing the presence of the dark heart of the Darkness in the Black Garden on Mars.


  • The Exo were created by Bungie and featured as a playable race in the setting of Destiny.


  • Destiny:
  • Destiny 2:

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