Living Tribunal

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The Living Tribunal is the ultimate protector of the cosmic balance in all multiverses. The Tribunal has three faces. One, uncovered, is the face of equity, the face it normally uses when speaking. The second face, half-hooded, is the face of just revenge. The third face, completely hooded, represents necessity. All three faces must agree to reach a verdict, but once it has been reached, it is irreversible without a direct appeal to the Tribunal.

The Living Tribunal only intervenes in matters of the gravest importance, beyond the ability of even cosmic beings to control, and his power is unsurpassed. He can cause a star to supernova or obliterate sections of a universe, if such actions are deemed necessary for balance.

Some of his most notable known actions were the ruling that kept the Infinity Gems from being united; his rescinding that order, and subsequent restoration of it, during the Infinity War; a campaign against the godlike Korvac in a divergent timeline, wherein he obliterated Earth's solar system in a last-ditch attempt to stop him, and then sealed that timeline from all others; and, with the Spectre, preventing the DC and Marvel continua from being wiped out by the two Brothers.

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