Tess Mercer

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Tess Mercer is a female character that features in Smallville.




Lutessa Lena Luthor was born from an affair between Lionel Luthor and Pamela Jenkins but her father gave her up to St. Louise's orphanage that was being run by Granny Goodness. Under Granny's tutelage, Lutessa was being trained to become the leader of a group of warrior women that held great potential with her mentor holding Lena as her favorite. During this hard time, she found it difficult to live in the orphanage due to the abuse she suffered from her trainer. As such, she attempted to escape on at least one occasion using a key hidden in her room but was discovered by Granny ho stopped her. All memories of Lutessa's birth parents and childhood were later removed by Granny Goodness. However, Lionel Luthor returned to her life when she was five years old and had found a home for her where he threatened to close down Granny Goodness's orphanage if she resisted this move. Granny Goodness ultimately complied and removed all of the memories of the orphanage from Lutessa's mind and sent her to live with her new parents where she was adopted by the childless Mercers in Louisiana where she was renamed Tess Mercer.

Season 11


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Tess Mercer was an original character created by Smallville where she was portrayed by Cassidy Freeman.


  • Smallville:

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