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The Reverse-Flash is the name of several characters in the DC Universe.


Reverse-Flash (Golden Age)

Main Article: Edward Clariss

Reverse-Flash (Silver Age)

Main Article: Eobard Thawne

Reverse-Flash (Hunter Zolomon)

Main Article: Hunter Zolomon

Reverse-Flash (John Stewart)

Main Article: Thaddeus Thawne

Reverse-Flash (Daniel West)

Main Article: Daniel West



  • The concept of the Reverse-Flash was created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino where it made its first first appearing in The Flash v1 #139 (1963)
  • In Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane v1 #74 (1967), Bizarro on Bizzaro World sought to create his own version of the Justice League with the use of his duplicator. During his attempt to make one of the Flash, the process created a more human looking version with a yellow costume and a gavel symbol on the chest whose intense vibrations could cause objects to heat up as well as catch on fire. The Bizarro-Flash was seen as imperfect and banished from the planet where he was sent towards Earth where he was awoken after a kiss from Lois Lane. He did not reveal his origins and simply referred to himself as Hero whilst he and Lois attempted to form a relationship. However, his Bizarro nature caused him to reach to situations in unpredictable ways before Superman uncovered his origins. The process that created him then completed where he was transformed into a Bizarro whereupon he left Lois Lane rather than pursue a relationship with her.

Alternate Versions

In other media



  • The Flash:

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