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Superia is a female comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.



Deidre Wentworth

After the Dark Reign, she came to gather the remnants of H.A.M.M.E.R. under her control where she tasked them with assembling a new facility for her in secret. (New Avengers v2 #9) She had come into possession of notes on how to create the Super-Soldier Serum and mix it with the Infinity Formula with her attempting to use Mutant Growth Hormone as a base for these experiments. Superia had provided the M.G.H. drug to her H.A.M.M.E.R. subordinates to fight any intruders but they were defeated by the Avengers though Deidre herself managed to escape. She came to learn that her base of operations was exposed by Victoria Hand and threatened her though she claimed she was an ally who could help Superia. Wentworth then prepared to escape to Cuba when she was attacked by the New Avengers with her expecting the ambush. Despite her preparation, she was defeated and her experiment was taken by the Avengers where they used it to heal their wounded teammate Mockingbird. In the aftermath, Superia was taken to the Raft to be detained where she received a goblin card seemingly placed there by Victoria Hand thus giving Deidre a link to Norman Osborn. (New Avengers v2 #13)

She was later freed by the Scientist Supreme Andrew Forson who recruited her to join his new High Council of A.I.M.'. In this role, she was to serve as Minister of Education of the new A.I.M. government that existed on the island nation of Barbuda. (Secret Avengers v2 #2)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Superia was created by Mark Gruenwald and Rik Levins where she made her first appearance in Captain America v1 #387 (July, 1991).


  • Captain America v1: (1991)
  • New Avengers v2:
  • Secret Avengers v2:

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