Joseph Joestar

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Joseph Joestar is a male anime and manga character who features in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.



Battle Tendency

A young Joseph Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure v1 #7.

Joseph Joestar (Japanese: ジョセフ・ジョースター, Hepburn: Josefu Jōsutā) was born on 27th September 1920 as the son of Jonathan Joestar II and his wife Lisa Lisa with his grandmother Erina Joestar having migrated to America. As a child, his father operated in the British military where he was killed by his superior who was actually a vampire. Lisa Lisa later then pursued and killed the vampire but it appeared that she had slain a British officer leading to her becoming a wanted criminal. Before disappearing, she left her son with her mother-in-law Erina Joestar for care. Joseph Joestar never knew of the fate of his mother and believed that both his parents had been killed. Upon reaching adulthood, he moved to New York with his grandmother Erina and Joseph discovered he had inherited the power of the Ripple (波紋 Hamon?). Among a close family friend was Robert E. O. Speedwagon who as a close friend of his deceased grandfather Jonathan Joestar. In 1938, Speedwagon had gone on an expedition to Mexico following the discovery of an ancient ruin that contained the Stone Mask that were relics created by the Pillar Men. During the discovery, his comrade Straizo betrayed Speedwagon and left him for dead after killing his compatriots in the Speedwagon Foundation. Straizo placed the Stone Mask on himself and was transformed into a vampire whereupon he intended to kill Joseph Joestar where he approached him at a dinner in New York. After many attempts, Joseph was finally able to slay the vampire Straizo where he came to learn that Speedwagon had not died but was still in Mexico. Joestar decided to investigate and learnt that Speedwagon was in the hands of Nazi's that were being led by an officer named Von Stroheim. These Nazi's had uncovered the ruins of an ancient Pillar Man named Santana who 2,000 years old and had been awakened from his slumber. The being managed to escape his containment room and effortlessly massacred the Nazi's as he began to learn about the modern world and planned to escape. Joseph Joestar managed to free Speedwagon where he confronted the Pillar Man alongside Stronheim. Together, they managed to prevent Santana from escaping into the world but this came at the apparent cost of Stroheim's life. In a desperate attempt to escape from the petrifying light of the sun, Santana tried to get into a nearby well but Joseph stopped him and forced him to face extended contact with sunlight that turned his body to stone. Prior to Stroheim's death, the German informed Joestar that further Pillar Men ruins had been uncovered in Europe and urged him to stop them from being awakened.

After rescuing Speedwagon, Joseph proceeded with finding the sleeping Pillar Men and stopping them from being awakened. He went to Rome and met Caesar Zeppeli who was a trained Ripple user that was the same age as Joestar and was tasked with training Joseph. Initially, the two did not get along but proceeded on their mission to the tomb of the ancient Pillar Men. However, they were too late as the three sleeping entities were awakened after their 2,000 year old slumber. Joestar and Zepelli were powerless before Kars, Wham and Esidisi with them barely surviving the encounter. Joseph was infected with a poison from Wham who was impressed with Joestar and wanted him to work to find the antidote. From the encounter, Joestar learnt that the Pillar Men sought out the Red Stone of Aja in order to merge it with the Stone Mask to transform the Pillar Men into the ultimate life forms. To fight the Pillar Men, Joseph required further training in the use of the Ripple and went with Zepelli to learn from the master Lisa Lisa.

Esidisi finds out that Lisa Lisa has the Red Stone of Aja and comes to take it. Joseph uses his new skills to defeat AC-DC, thus earning the wrath of Wham and Cars. In Switzerland the group discovers the location of Wham and Cars. Joseph then defeats Wham in a deadly chariot race and the final showdown against Cars begins.

While pursuing the Super Aja, Joseph and his companions see a platoon of German soldiers confiscating the Red Stone of Aja and are invited to a chalet, where Joseph is reunited with the supposedly-deceased Stroheim, who has been rebuilt as a powerful cyborg by Nazi science. But at the same time, Kars has infiltrated the Nazi chalet in search for the Aja. Stroheim's machine body is quickly cut in half by Kars, who instinctively knows Joseph killed Esidisi and expresses hidden hatred towards who he initially considered a source of amusement. During the struggle, the Red Stone of Aja slips and falls into a ravine where Joseph and Kars battle to seize it. After a difficult fight, Joseph manages to keep the Stone while Kars disappears at the bottom of the ravine. The next day, the group discovers a likely hideout for the Pillar Men and Caesar is eager to go fight them. Joseph voiced being against going after Kars in daylight, sensing a trap. This result in Joseph saying words that drive Caesar off the edge as he leaves to do the job himself, Joseph learning his friend's story and changing his mind. However, by the time he and Lisa Lisa arrive, they see Caesar had already died fighting Wamuu and used the last of his strength to get the Pillar Man's lip ring. Out of respect for Caesar, Joseph decides to not take the antidote until he defeats Wamuu. Joseph and Lisa Lisa decide to pursue the likely wounded Wamuu inside the mansion. Joseph and Lisa Lisa find Kars and Wamuu but also find themselves outnumbered by Kars´s vampires. Lisa Lisa bluffs destroying the Super Aja unless the Pillar Men accept her terms to settle things in two one-on-one showdowns at the Skeleton Heel Stone arena. Sent to retrieve the stone, Joseph notices the photo of an infant with Erina, Speedwagon, and Straizo and confronts Lisa Lisa about it. She tells only half of the photo's significance before Joseph engages Wamuu in a deadly Roman chariot race-battle. Wamuu initially gets the upper hand, but Joseph still manages to counter his dangerous attacks and destroys Wamuu´s body with only his dissolving head. Joseph, in a sign of honor to the warrior, gave Wamuu some of his own blood to ease his pain before drinking the antidote to give his opponent peace of mind.

Kars proves to be less honorable than Wamuu and breaks his promise to fight Lisa Lisa one-on-one and sacrifices one of his weaker vampires in order to defeat her. Angered by Kars' treachery, Joseph then challenges Kars, who looks upon him as a weak Ripple user and not even worth fighting seriously. All seems to be over in this fight against Kars until a newly rebuilt Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers, Speedwagon, and Smokey arrive to help. As the two fought on, Joseph is eventually given the decision to choose between his life or Lisa Lisa's, but is able to counter the whole situation and send Kars flying into the spike pit below. Stroheim and his Nazi soldiers blast Kars with ultraviolet light, but unknowingly gave him the light necessary for his Super Aja-embedded stone mask to trigger and transform him into the ultimate life form. Taking the Super Aja while running off, Joseph steals one of the Germans' airplanes to lead Kars away while devising a strategy to defeat him. Joseph then assumed he could kill Kars using the planet: namely crashing the plane with Kars on it into a volcano. Though it appears Kars is dead while sinking into the magma, the Pillar Man evolved a continuous and inorganic porous material to protect himself while digging his way out and slicing Joseph's arm off. When all seemed lost, Joseph unconsciously defends himself from Kars' enhanced Ripple by having the Super Aja redirect the attack into the ground. This causes an eruption that blasts the land the two fighters are on into the air, with Joseph distracting Kars long enough to be knocked out of Earth's orbit by debris. But gravity runs its course and Stroheim assumes Joseph dead at sea near Italy. The piece of land later fell back to Earth's surface where it crashed in Italy with Joseph being helped by some local fisherman. He was then taken in by Suzi Q who nursed Joseph back to health and he came to marry her. Taking the time to recover, he asked Suzi Q to send a message to his friends to inform them that he had survived. However, she had forgotten to send the telegram and the weeks afterwards a funeral was held by his loved ones. It was then that the presumed dead Joseph arrived at the scene of his own funeral where he reunited with his friends and loved ones whilst telling Suzi Q off for not informing them that he was still alive.

Stardust Crusaders

In the aftermath, his wife Suzi Q bore him a daughter namely Holly Joestar who he adored and loved. Eight years later, Joseph was at Erina's bedside in her final living moments. Around twenty years ago, she met a Japanese jazz musician named Sadao Kujo who she fell in love with and married leading to her moving to Japan to be with him. Joseph was noted to had hated his daughter leaving him and moving to Japan. Holly and Sadao later had a son of their own named Jotaro Kujo who was the grandson of Joseph Joestar who grew up in Japan. At some point, Joseph had an illicit affair with Tomoko Higashikata with the encounter leading to her giving birth to an illegitimate child named Josuke Higashikata. By this point, the power of Stands began to manifest around the world following the emergence of Dio Brando after he was accidently released from his coffin that had sunk beneath the ocean. Due to possessing Jonathan Joestar's body, the power of the Stands began to manifest throughout the Joestar bloodline with Joseph developing his own Stand named Hermit Purple. He came to learn of the danger of Dio by 1987 and sought to stop him. This led to his encounter with Mohammed Avdol who was a Stand user from Cairo that had an encounter with Dio Brando. Later on, he was contacted by his daughter Holy who said that an 'evil spirit' had possessed her son Jotaro leading to Joseph travelling to Japan to help his grandson. Upon arriving, he was greeted by his daughter and after their reunion they went to the police station to see Jotaro. Whilst there, his suspicions were confirmed by Avdol that his grandson had manifested a Stand with this being the 'evil spirit' that was possessing him. At first, Jotaro refused to leave the prison cell and actively fought against attempts to do so but admitted defeat after being tricked into stepping out accidentally. It was then that Joseph told his grandson about DIO though Jotaro at first refused to be involved in the matter. This changed when Noriaki Kakyoin had been sent to kill Kujo and it was discovered that DIO had implanted a flesh bud that was controlling the young Stand User with Joseph purging it from the man's body.

He then began to teach his grandson Jotaro about the mystical power of Stands whilst devising tactics and analysis. Around this time, Holly fell into a coma-like state with it being determined that it was the result of her own Stand power manifesting. However, as she was not trained or strong enough, her body was slowly dying as a result with it deemed that the only way to save her was to defeat Dio Brando. Thus, Joseph along with his grandson Jotaru, Mohammed and Kakyoin embarked on their mission to defeat Dio with them setting course for Egypt.

Whilst unconscious, his grandson Jotaro battled with Dio where he managed to eventually gain an advantage over the vampire and wounded him. Dio attempted to flee but this was part of his plot to get closer to Joseph's body where he drank his blood and drained his blood of it. This act killed Joseph whose blood had given Dio full control over his body that had fully healed as a result. After Dio was defeated, Jotaro had Speedwagon Foundation medics transfer the blood from his dead remains back into his grandfather and used his own Stand Star Platinum to help restart his heart. As a result, Joseph Joestar was restored to life due to the short time when he was dead.

Diamond is Unbreakable

By 1999, Joseph Joestar had aged greatly to the point that he was no longer able to walk without a cane and had a hard time of hearing with him not being as athletic as he to be in his younger years. Around this time, the Bow and Arrow had been taken to Japan where someone was using them to create new Stand Users in Morioh Town. At the same time, it was discovered that he had an illegitimate son named Josuke Higashikata with this news causing much strife in the Joestar family over Joseph's act of infidelity. His grandson Jotaro Kujo was sent to Japan to find Josuke in order to deal with matters of inheritance and also to warn the teenager of the danger posed by Stand Users. Jotaro intended to find and recover the Bow and Arrow along with defeating the evil Stand Users it had created. Jotaro managed to find the Bow and Arrow but it was taken by the Stand User of Red Hot Chilli Pepper whose true name was unknown. In an effort to find him, Jotaro had arranged for Joseph Joestar to come to Morioh Town in Japan in order for him to use his Hermit Purple Stand to find the identity of the mystery Stand User. Whilst arriving, Joseph's life was saved when the evil Stand User Akira Otoishi was defeated. This chain of events led to the first encounter Joseph had with his son.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Joseph Joestar was a male human who when he was 18 years old stood at 6'5" tall where he had handsome features with blue eyes. He had powerfully built body where he kept his hair short, dark and unkempt hair, parts of his bangs shooting outwards in spikes. These features made him stand out from his grandfather but otherwise he was shown to closely resembles Jonathan Joestar.

As a young man, Joseph was shown to be incredibly hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational. He was shown to not be very serious or focused, and he tended to fool around. In his youth, he was shown to had generally not respected people in authority with the exception of his grandmother and later on in Lisa Lisa.

Despite his attitude, he was also very intelligent and was quite capable of defeating much more powerful opponents through clever tactics. Joseph even able to accurately predict an enemy's next line (his catchphrase being "Your next line will be..." or "You're going to say...") However, over the course of Part 2, although he never really loses his overall attitude, he does develop into a strong, focused hero. At crucial moments of battles, he likes to predict the next sentence of his opponents. In Part 3, he is much the same, only as an irascible old man with a temper and the same mischievous spirit as in his younger days. However, being older, he is certainly more mature and serious.

During a fight, he liked to predict the next words uttered by his foe with them stating the exact words spoken by Joseph. This can lead to them being surprised at the accuracy of his words. In some moments, this can lead to frustration from his enemies who ask him how he always knew what they would say to him. As such, his catch phrase was "Your next line will be..." or "You're going to say...".

At Kars defeat, the Pillar Man in anger demanded to know if Joestar had planned the exact moment of his defeat. Joseph responded to him that it was pointless to ask as the answer was obvious and that Kars had fallen into his trap perfectly. However, this was a lie as Joestar was lucky but he pretended otherwise as he knew that this would drive Kars nuts at being outplayed.

Joseph said that though he practiced the art of strategic retreats he had never abandoned any battle he had fought.

A hobby of Joseph Joestar was the collection of comic books.

He was shown to dislike life in Japan where he commented that the rooms were small and that they slept on the floor. Part of this seemed to stem over his daughter marrying a Japanese man and moving to Japan. Joseph had said that he would never forgive the Japanese for taking his daughter from him.

Joseph Joestar was the son of George Joestar II (ジョージ・ジョースター 2世 Jōji Jōsutā Nisei) and Elizabeth Joestar (エリザベス・ジョースター Erizabesu Jōsutā). When he was a child, his father came to be killed by a higher-ranked military official who happened to be a zombie in service to Dio. This led to his mother avenging him by destroying her husband's killer and burned him to ash. However, she suffered the risk of being arrested on the charge of murder of a military officially. Thus, the Speedwagon Foundation came to erase all evidence of her existence in order to avoid retaliation and legal repercussions from the incident. As a result, the young Joseph did not know his father or his mother where instead he was raised by his grandmother Erina Joestar (エリナ・ジョースター Erina Jōsutā).

He later came to marry Lisa Lisa's aide who became his wife and she took the name Suzi Q. Joestar (スージーQ・ジョースター Sūjī Kyū Jōsutā). She came to be pregnant with his child and she gave birth to their daughter who was named Holly Joestar (空条 ホリィ Jōsutā Horyi). His daughter later left for Japan after marrying Sadao Kujo (空条 貞夫 Kūjō Sadao) where she gave birth to Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎 Kūjō Jōtarō) who was Joseph's grandson.

Joseph came to have an affair with a Japanese woman named Tomoko Higashikata (東方 朋子 Higashikata Tomoko) who became pregnant with his son named Josuke Higashikata (東方 仗助, Higashikata Jōsuke). The boy was raised by his mother alone and was initially unaware of his Joestar heritage.

Whilst in Japan, he came to adopt a baby girl whom he named Shizuka who appeared invisible at all times as an effect of her Stand.

Powers and abilities

Joseph Joestar was born a human though one who possessed a number of unique traits as a result of his heritage. A trait in Joseph was his ability to predict what his enemies were about to say and quote it verbatim just prior to them saying the words. After predicting their words, his opponent unwittingly spoke and repeated his exact phrasing thus shocking them as his near mind reading ability. Even in his old age, he still possessed a quick thinking and sharp intellect over his opponents. He claimed that he invented the Joestar's secret technique that was the art of running away. Following Kars defeat, Joseph had lost his left hand which was replacing with a mechanical prosthetic.

As a member of the Joestar line, he came to inherit the power of Ripple (波紋 Hamon, lit. Ripples) that had been learnt by his grandfather Jonathan Joestar. Through self-controlled respiration, he was able to produce an energy within him that was similar to the power given out by the Sun. Joseph came to hold a natural affinity for it that was above that of his forebear and able to apply it to the casual way of his life. Though naturally talented, he was not trained in its use and was at first not a skilled practitioner of the art. Under Lisa Lisa's tutelage, he received formal training in the ancient form of martial arts known as Sendō (仙道, lit. "Way of The Hermit/Wizard"). This allowed him to master the power of the Ripple and was even able to use this power when he was an older man. He was able to apply it to destroy vampiric flesh buds that were growing in his brain and instil Ripple energy into his bloodstream to make him poisonous to a vampire's bite. He came to use a pair of clackers in battle where they helped channel the Ripple due to their conductive properties.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Clacker Volley (クラッカーヴォレイ Kurakkā Vorei) :
  • Clacker Boomerang (クラッカーブーメラン Kurakkā Būmeran) :

Later in his life, he came to manifest a Stand (スタンド Sutando) that was a visual a manifestation of his life force. He came to be a Stand User (スタンド使い Sutando Tsukai). a a result of DIO's awakening and the manifestation of his own Stand The World. In Joseph's case, his Stand was known as Hermit Purple (隠者の紫ハーミットパープル, Hāmitto Pāpuru) that was a close-range type which took the form of a tangle of purple thorny vines with no humanoid form that emerged form his body that he could use for both defensive and offensive purposes. He could use it to surround his body for protection or to throw it to grab onto a person or object. Whilst relatively weak, Hermit Purple's true strength was its ability to divine and remotely view locations from a distance. This afforded Joseph a level of telepathic ability as he could sense locations or thoughts which he could project onto an image such as a photo from a camera or a television or even create one on sand on a dusty street. It was shown that he could channel the Ripple through his Hermit Purple allowing him to amplify its destructive power against vampires.


  • Joseph Joestar was created by Hirohiko Araki where he appeared in the setting of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe.
  • Araki had confirmed that Joseph was still alive by the time of Stone Ocean but had grown even more senile.

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA, Joseph Joestar appeared in the anime adaptation of the Stardust Crusaders story arc where he was voiced by actor Chikao Ōtsuka in the Japanese version and actor Michael Bennett in the English version.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Joseph Joestar appeared in the anime series that adapted the Battle Tendency story arc where he was voiced by actor Tomokazu Sugita.

Video games

  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, Joseph Joestar appeared as a playable character in the fighting video game with actor Tomokazu Sugita voicing both the younger and older version of him.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, Joseph Joestar appeared as a playable character in the fighting video game with actor Tomokazu Sugita voicing the younger version and actor Unsho Ishizuka voicing the older version of him.


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency:
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders:
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable:

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