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Chewbacca is a male extraterrestrial character who features in Star Wars.



Chewbacca was a male member of the Wookiee race that were native to the jungle world of Kashyyyk.

During the Clone Wars, he came to be captured by Trandoshan hunters where he was freed by Ahsoka Tano and agreed to help her along with two younglings escape. Chewbacca built a transmitter from parts out of the damaged Trandoshan ship that was seemingly unable to work. He and Ahsoka later came to attack the Trandoshan fortress where he killed many of the hunters on sight where they were aided by other Wookiees led by Tarfull. Afterward, he participated in the conflict against the Separatist Alliance where he served under General Tarfful. In this time, he bore witness to the Clone Troopers turning against the Jedi once Order 66 was initiated. Jedi Master Yoda bade Tarrful and Chewbacca farewell as he had to depart the planet with the start of the Jedi Purge.

Eventually, he was sent to the planet Mimban where the Imperials kept him imprisoned in a small pit and referred to him as a 'beast' that was used to dispatch prisoners. One day, Han Solo came to thrown in the pit in such a manner where he managed to speak to the Wookiee and the two decided to work together to escape. Solo was denounced as a deserter by Tobias Beckett, a criminal impersonating an Imperial officer, his commanding officer decided to execute him by giving him to "the beast." While imprisoned in an underground holding cell, Han used his knowledge of Shyriiwook to convince Chewbacca to stage a fight with him after realizing that one of the supports in the cell was weak, and that destroying it would allow them to escape imprisonment. Following their escape, the pair managed to join a reluctant gang. Chewbacca and Han began their outlaw lives working as part of pirate Tobias Beckett's crew. The group were hired by Crimson Dawn to steal a train car of refined coaxium on Vandor. However, they failed due to the intervention of Enfys Nest and the Cloud-Riders, and Solo's decision to drop the cargo. Solo and Chewbacca promised Dryden Vos of Crimson Dawn an equivalent shipment that they would obtain unrefined by making the notorious Kessel Run. Vos sent Qi'ra, who had become his top lieutenant, with them. Knowing they would need a fast ship to transport the coaxium before it degraded and exploded, Qi'ra introduced the pair to Lando Calrissian. Solo played Calrissian in a game of "Corellian Spike" sabacc, with the stakes being Calrissian's YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Solo lost the game, regardless, Calrissian agreed to personally pilot the Falcon for the job in return for a cut of the profits. Chewbacca, Solo, Qi'ra, Calrissian, and Beckett stole the unrefined coaxium from Kessel during a slave riot instigated by Calrissian's navigational droid, L3-37. During the escape, Solo flew the Falcon, with Chewbacca as his copilot, for the first of many times. Because the crew stole the coaxium fuel as unrefined, it was necessary to make the escape from Kessel to the refinery on Savareen in record time, prompting Solo to plot a shorter, and much more dangerous course through the maelstrom that surrounded Kessel and near a gravity well called the Maw, reducing the typical distance required from 20 to 12 parsecs. Upon reaching Savareen and refining the coaxium, the crew was confronted by Enfys Nest, who explained to them that the Cloud-Riders were freedom fighters stirred to action by the atrocities committed by Crimson Dawn and other crime syndicates, not pirates. Solo devised a plan to give the coaxium to the Cloud-Riders and give Vos fake coaxium, but Vos was prepared for their betrayal because of information given to him by his double-agent in the crew, Beckett. However, Solo had double-crossed Beckett and Vos: the containers he left with the Cloud-Raiders were empty, and Nest dispatched the agents Vos sent to retrieve it. The coaxium Solo, Qi'ra, and Chewbacca brought to Vos was, in fact, genuine. Beckett managed to escape with the coaxium and Chewbacca as a hostage. After Qi'ra betrayed and killed Vos, Solo found and killed Beckett, but could only watch as he and Chewbacca were left behind, while Qi'ra left Savareen in Vos' yacht to meet Crimson Dawn leader Maul. Solo and Chewbacca entrusted the coaxium to Nest, who intended to use it to form a rebellion against the Empire.

During one of their smuggling attempts at the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Millennium Falcon was boarded and the two lost the cargo that they were hauling for their usual employer, Jabba the Hutt. Arriving at Mos Eisley on Tatooine to speak with Jabba about the lost cargo, they sat down in Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina. At the bar, Chewbacca was approached by Ben Kenobi, who was searching for passage for himself, Luke Skywalker and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan. Promised 2,000 credits in advance and an additional 15,000 upon arrival to Alderaan, Solo and Chewbacca agreed to the commission. In Docking Bay 94, Solo and Chewbacca found Jabba waiting for them with a crew of hired help. One of them, the famous bounty hunter Boba Fett, kept an eye on Chewbacca, noting the Wookiee getting ready for a fight as Solo spoke with Jabba. Thus, he moved his arm enough to ensure the Wookiee braids he wore were visible to Chewbacca, which the Wookiee decided to show no reaction to. Ultimately, Solo managed to convince Jabba to give him more time. After a brief firefight with stormtroopers, the Falcon left Tatooine with its new passengers, escaping from Imperial vessels before entering hyperspace. During the hyperspace journey, while Kenobi trained Skywalker in the use of the Force, Chewbacca played a game of dejarik with R2-D2, who made a move that Chewbacca disliked. C-3PO advised that the move was technically fair, and even chided Chewbacca, at which point Solo advised them not to anger the Wookiee because of his species' tendency to pull arms out of their sockets, prompting the two droids to surrender. Upon the Falcon's exit from hyperspace, the group found themselves in a meteor storm produced by the destruction of the planet by the Imperial Death Star superweapon. The group were soon caught by the tractor beam of the battle station which was still looming in the system, but managed to evade capture by hiding in the Falcon's smuggling compartments. While Kenobi set out to disable the station's tractor beam in order to allow them to escape, Skywalker was told by R2-D2 that Princess Leia Organa was being held in Detention Block AA-23, her execution scheduled. They set out to rescue her, with Chewbacca posing as a prisoner of stormtrooper-disguised Skywalker and Solo. Despite encountering trouble, Chewbacca and the others managed to escape from the Death Star—except for Kenobi, who had died in a duel with Darth Vader. The Falcon soon arrived to Yavin 4, landing on Rebellion's secret base, just as the Death Star closed in on the moon.


Personality and attributes

He tended to be referred to as Chewie as a nickname by his friends.

Powers and abilities

As a Wookiee, Chewbacca was a typical member of his species where he possessed many of their natural traits. Among these included his great strength that he was capable of tearing a person apart with his bare hands.

He possessed exceptional skills in piloting as well as mechanic repairs, from his experience of piloting the Millennium Falcon, of which he had a great understanding of the temperamental nature of its systems.

By his side, he kept the traditional Bowcaster that was weapons hand-crafted on Kashyyyk using ancient methods. They were noted for being powerful and more accurate than blasters where they fired a metal quarrel that was encased in plasma energy.


  • Chewbacca was created by George Lucas where he made his first appearance in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.
  • He was portrayed by actor Peter Mayhew in the Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy with actor Joonas Suotamo portraying him in the following movies whilst vocal effects were provided by Ben Burtt.

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Battlefront, Chewbacca appeared as a playable character in the setting in the Death Star DLC of the 2015 reboot video game.
  • In Star Wars: Battlefront II, Chewbacca appeared as a playable character in the setting of the 2017 reboot video game.


  • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope:
  • Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back:
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi:
  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith:
  • Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens:
  • Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi:
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story:

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