Thomas Halloway

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The Angel in Marvels Project v1 #4.

Thomas Halloway is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Thomas Halloway was a male human born in the late 1870s was the son of a prison warden; his mother died in childbirth. (Marvels Project v1 #1) The warden raised Thomas in isolation, in the prison itself, and was instructed by various experts who had taught him 'everything'. (Marvels Project v1 #1) Thomas was also taught by the prisoners, who passed on the secrets of the underworld. When Thomas discovered that one of the prisoners was about to be electrocuted he saved him. For this deed Thomas was dubbed an 'angel' by the inmate. Apparently, exposure to this electricity caused a mutation in Thomas that slowed his ageing after he reached adulthood for many years. (Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special v1 #1)

By 1938, Halloway was a doctor working in a New York City hospital. There he became the physician caring for the elderly Matt Hawk, known as the legendary western gun fighter Two-Gun Kid. Hawk, who had spent a number of years in the future witnessing the so-called "age of heroes", told stories of these adventures to Thomas. Dr. Halloway simply dismissed them as 'pulp magazine' fantasies of a very ill man, and rejected Hawk's claims that this age was soon coming, and that Halloway would be a part of it. One night, Hawk died suddenly in his sleep and left Halloway a gift: His pair of six shooters and mask, leaving a card stating "From one hero to another". Halloway's ability to dismiss Hawk's claims soon became impossible when in 1939 Phineas Horton revealed his new creation the Human Torch. On the night the Torch broke free and caused massive fires, due to the lack of control he had over his powers, Halloway was out in the streets and instinctively came to the rescue of those who were endangered by the Torch's flames. After the crisis, Halloway once more looked at the Two-Gun Kid's old guns and mask and realized the old man had been telling the truth. Halloway then developed the identity of the Angel and became one of the first crime fighting vigilantes during the dawn of the age of heroes. He also began chronicling this point in history in a diary he dubbed the Marvels Project. (Marvels Project v1 #1)

The Angel

In his first recorded adventure as the Angel, Thomas had already established himself as a known crime fighter and had just returned from Paris to help to stop the Six Big Men gang. The Angel used lethal force, killing most of the members before capturing their leader Dr. Horace Lang. (Marvel Comics v1 #1) The Angel next travelled to Hong Kong to investigate the validity of an apparent treasure map that led the way to the lost temple of Alano. The Angel defended the map's keeper, Smithsonian Institution employee Jane Framan who was targeted by a man named Lelong, a member of the original expedition to Alano who sought to claim the treasure for himself. Travelling to Poland, the Angel had his first clash with the Nazis, stopping an air raid on the town of Grybow by the Death-Bird Squadron. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #2) As the Angel continued to clean up crime in New York City, he became well known in the papers for his heroic efforts. He also began keeping tabs on all the various masked heroes that were appearing in the city and around the world. (Marvels Project v1 #1) The Angel next clashed with a strange voodoo cult, who captured a young woman as their sacrifice. The hero battled their leader the Sacred One, who died in one of his own death traps. With the Sacred One's death, his thralls followed their leader to the same trap. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #3) Later, a mobster named Brink hired a giant brute named Butch to kill his boss so he could take over their mob. This attempt was foiled by the Angel who also brought the entire gang to justice. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #4) During this period, while on a routine patrol, the Angel came across the murder scene of another new hero called the Phantom Bullet. Learning that the Bullet was Daily Bulletin reporter Allan Lewis, Halloway attended his funeral and vowed to avenge his murder. (Marvels Project v1 #2)

The Angel next clashed with a strange voodoo cult, who captured a young woman as their sacrifice. The hero battled their leader the Sacred One, who died in one of his own death traps. With the Sacred One's death, his thralls followed their leader to the same trap. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #3) Later, a mobster named Brink hired a giant brute named Butch to kill his boss so he could take over their mob. This attempt was foiled by the Angel who also brought the entire gang to justice. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #4)

The Angel went on the trail of jewel thief Gabby Harris and soon learned that Harris had kidnapped his friend Mary Edwards. The Angel rescued Edwards and captured Harris and his gang, turning them over to the police. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #6) The Angel next came to the protection of Betty Martin, whose Aunt Emma was attempting to murder her in order to inherit the family fortune. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #7)

The Angel next stopped a gang of crooks who kidnapped the daughter of the Meltmore Steel Company's owner in an attempt to blackmail the company's owner out of controlling stock of the company. Although captured himself, the Angel managed to free himself, save the girl, and bring the gang to justice. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #8) Later, Halloway travelled to Europe to investigate rumors that Vampires still existed in the town of Carlburg. Instead he found the Mad Doctor, an insane scientist who practiced grisly experiments on humans. Coming to the aid of a captured woman, the Angel prevented the Mad Doctor from transferring her mind into the body of an ape. In the resulting clash, the Mad Doctor was killed in an explosion. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #9)

Returning to the United States, the Angel began investigating the disappearance of American scientist Professor Philo Zog, inventor of the robot known as Electro. His investigation tied the disappearance to Nazi spies and the Human Torch's old foe Dr. Manyac. During his investigation, the Angel would join forces with police woman Betty Dean, the Sub-Mariner, the Human Torch, his partner Toro and detective known as the Ferret. They discovered that the Nazi's were forcing Zog to create robot version of Manyac's Green Flames including a large robot under what was called Operation: Blockbuster. During the course of the battle, the Angel assisted in destroying the robotic Green Flames, and rescuing Professor Zog from captivity. (Marvel Mystery Comics 70th Anniversary Special v1 #1)


According to Halloway's claims, he had retired from his role as the Angel after a woman was shot while he was trying to stop a criminal. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)

Still recalling the bystander that was killed during one of his last adventures as the Angel, Halloway still wished to combat lawlessness and seeking a way to atone for his mistake. He would come to meet Dominic Dunsinane who shared his beliefs in law an order. The pair used Halloway's fortune to help fund a secret school of assassins, creating the Scourge Program, a group of killers who targeted and eliminated super-villains. Many operatives, known as the Scourge of the Underworld baffled the super-hero community for years, until US Agent was assigned to track down their backer. His investigation led him to the Halloway estate where Halloway explained his whole organization to the hero. However, when the Agent attempt to gather the authorities, he was attacked by Halloway's assistant Bloodstain. During the battle, US Agent defeated Bloodstain, and left Halloway overturned out of his wheelchair while he went to get the authorities. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

According to him, he was born into money and boredom where he took up crime-fighting because it seemed interesting and was thrilling. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)

As the Angel, he felt that he did good even though it might not be to the same extent as Captain America or Human Torch. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)

One day, he witnessed the death of an innocent bystander at the hands of a bullet meant for him. Halloway caught the person and beat him badly but felt that the person had died because he did not take his job seriously. The incident affected him deeply to the point that he could never become the Avenging Angel again. Though Thomas respected the American system of justice, he deemed that the noble system was unable to cope with the breeding masses of criminals that had a stranglehold over the nation. As a result, he retreated into his wealth and guilt with him wanting to atone for his failings as well as the lackadaiscal approach to crime fighting. For years, he became obsessed with how he should have approached fighting crime. Eventually, he came to meet a person named Dominic who shared the same ideals of law and order as Halloway. The pair then mapped out a strategy to eradicate crime as efficiently as possible. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)

Powers and abilities

Thomas Halloway began studying medicine, trained in this profession by Dr. Lin. (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #18)

In his old age, he came to be responsible for creating the Scourge Program. The basis of this program was to eliminate crime as efficiently as possible. Halloway would supply the money whilst Dominic would recruit the personnel. Thus, it became the nation's most concerted effort to eliminate the filth that he deemed to be undermining America's moral character. (U.S.Agent v1 #4)


  • The Thomas Halloway Angel was created by Paul Gustavson and an uncredited writer where he made his first appearance in Marvel Comics v1 #1 (October, 1939).


  • Marvel Comics v1: (1939)
  • Marvel Mystery Comics v1:

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