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Buffy-Angel, Buffy-Angel (Novels): Mayor Richard Wilkins marries Edna Mae. ("Choices" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer))

Tick (Animated): The Terror| makes his debut as a supervillain in a battle against U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. ("The Tick vs. Arthur's Bank Account")

Real World: February 23. Guantanamo Bay leased "in perpetuity" to the United States by Cuba.

Real World: March 14. The U.S. Senate ratifies the Hay-Herran Treaty, which would give the U.S. the right to build the Panama Canal. However, the Senate of Columbia later rejects it.

Real World: August 4. Pius X becomes Pope.

Real World: November 3. Panama breaks away from Colombia with the encouragement of the United States, which wanted to construct the Panama Canal.

Real World: November 17. The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party splits in two, forming the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.

Real World: November 18. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty gives the U.S. control over the "Panama Canal Zone."

Real World: December 17. Orville and Wilbur Wright build and test the first (documented) successful heavier-than-air aircraft.



New Fictional Works

Notable Books

The Call of the Wild by Jack London, The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker.

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