Doctor Cyber

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Doctor Cyber in Wonder Woman v5 #9.

Doctor Cyber is a female comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.




Cylvia Cyber

She dedicated her criminal empire to expand its profits and eventually turn towards conquest. (Wonder Woman v1 #181)

Due to her secretive nature and chiefly known through her networks, she was assumed to be a man. Cyber's organization plundered the monastery of I-Ching for the gems and precious metals within and slaughtered the resisting monks. U.S. Military intelligence sent Steve Trevor in an unsuccessful attempt to infiltrate Cyber's organization in which he barely survived and learned of their plot to assassinate American Congressmen with bombs implanted in children's toys. (Wonder Woman v1 #179) This plot was actually a ruse to divert attention from a London jewel heist, which was then foiled by the former Wonder Woman Diana Prince and I-Ching. (Wonder Woman v1 #182)

Agents of Doctor Cyber were noted for being responsible for the murder of Steve Trevor who was gunned down and died in the arms of Diana. (Wonder Woman v1 #180)

Doctor Cyber later resurfaced in Hong Kong where she planned to destroy the city and blackmail the world with a series of devices that could create earthquakes. She also lured Diana Prince and I-Ching through her minion Lu Shan, the vengeful daughter of I-Ching, to deliver one of the devices to her. Cyber offered Diana to join her organization, which she steadfastly refused. Soon afterward, Cyber was confronted by the leader of the Tiger Tong, whom she had hired them in her plans, and demanded for a bigger payment than previously agreed to. Cyber saw no use for the Tiger Tong and had them killed; however, a Tong survived long enough to blast a brazier at Cyber's side, sending a rain of red-hot coals into her face. In the confusion, Cyber fled but her face was severely disfigured. (Wonder Woman v1 #187) Maddened by her disfigurement, Cyber then ordered to have her earthquake machines activated and putting a hit on Diana Prince, whom she blamed her for her injures. Diana was briefly caught by Cyber but managed to stop her earthquake plot, and Cyber was believed to be killed when her final earthquake device exploded. (Wonder Woman v1 #188)

Cyber actually survived her ordeal. Still insane from her last encounter with Diana Prince, Cyber was obsessed with restoring her beauty in which she rebuilt her organization and established The Tribunal "to destroy all who trafficked in human beauty!" To this end, she abducted young beautiful women, with the intent of transferring her brain into the body of one such subject by her associate Doctor Moon. Diana was among those caught, and Cyber intended to have her brain housed in the Amazon's body. Unfortunately for Cyber, Diana escaped, and in the resulting struggle Cyber accidentally impaled herself on a scalpel. (Wonder Woman v1 #200)


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Cylvia Anita Cyber

Doctor Cyber came to be one of the parties that looked to acquire the mysterious relic known as the Godstone which brought her into conflict with the Power Company. (The Power Company v1 #1)

The Mechanic's life fell apart, and he realized he was not alone, that the whole world was crumbling. With his cyborg assistant Grease Monkey he recruited Brainstorm, Doctor Cyber, Automan, Rosie of the Demolition Team and Prof. Hamilton, telling them they could change the world if they let him use the unie spark they each possessed to create the gestalt robot Enginehead. He planned on recruiting Tin of the Metal Men, who was impressed with what he was offering, but admitted he was too scared to participate. Grease Monkey chose Jackhammer as a substitute, saving him from a suicide attempt before locking him into the sixth cylinder of the machine that would create Enginehead. The Mechanic activated the machine, creating Enginehead from his recruits' sacrifice, and Grease Monkey praised him as a great man. (Enginehead v1 #1)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Adrianna Anderson was a research scientist for Empire Industries and had been a close friend to the company's CEO, Veronica Cale. (Wonder Woman v5 #15) Being an expert in the field of cybernetics, the focus of her work was in the Empire's Research and Development (R&D) Lab A-1 and often she served Dr. Cale through a computerized holography of herself, and she was the creator of the Cyberwalker ​​System. (Wonder Woman v5 #16)

Adrianna was dead but her neural systems were recorded on the Cyber System allowing for Veronica Cale to construct an AI construct of her that took a year before it completed. Initially, Adrianna was unaware of her death but after being told she then decided to take the name of Doctor Cyber. (Wonder Woman v5 #18)

NewMazo, a creation of Dr. Ivo and William Magnus more advanced than Ivo's Amazo, became smarter than his creators. To enact his vision of world domination through the control of robotic and cybernetic superheroes and supervillains in a global cyberattack, he conscripted other AI-focused scientists to expand his reach, including the supervillain Doctor Cyber. (Batman/Superman: World's Finest v1 #16)


Personality and attributes

World wide domination was her ultimate goal where she desired the Earth's treasures for herself. She looked to become rich and powerful to the point that she could topple governments. (Wonder Woman v1 #181)

Powers and abilities

Pre-Flashpoint :

Her empire was noted for having been far flung where she monitored it through a world-wide radio television network and was able to communicate instantly to any part of it. (Wonder Woman v1 #181)

Post-Flashpoint : During the time of her 'death', a copy of her mind was replicated within the Cyberwalker System and was used to create an artificial intelligence based on Adrianna. This entity was a fully realised entirely liberated cognitive neural-network in digital form that was based in a quantum-optical mainframe. She was able to manifest as a series of holograms at various locations simultaneously. (Wonder Woman v5 #19)


  • Doctor Cyber was created by Dennis O'Neil, Mike Sekowsky and Dick Giordano where she made her first appearance in Wonder Woman v1 #179 (December, 1968).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, Doctor Cyber made cameo non-voiced appearances in the setting of the DC Animated Universe. In the episode "Alive!", Lex Luthor took over the Society with Gorilla Grodd mounting a mutiny against him. This saw Doctor Cyber siding with Grodd but she came to be frozen by Killer Frost and killed by Darkseid along with Grodd's other loyalists.


  • In Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, Doctor Cyber appeared as an antagonist in the setting of the 2019 animated film where she was voiced by actor Mozhan Marnò. This version operated through mechanical bodies and was skilled in the use of technology. She became the figurehead co-leader of Villainy, Inc. alongside Doctor Poison where they orchestrated a number of thefts in an effort to profit through technological advances. They search for Themyscira and resurrect Medusa to help them invade the island and steal their technology for profit, but the Gorgon betrays them and destroyed Cyber.

Video games


  • Wonder Woman v1: (1968)
  • Wonder Woman v5:

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