Nico Robin

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Nico Robin is a female anime and manga character who features in One Piece.




Nico Robin captured by CP9 in One Piece v1 #44.

Nico Robin (Japanese: ニコ・ロビン, Hepburn: Niko Robin) was a female human born the daughter of Nico Olvia where she grew up on the island of Ohara. Her mother would decide to go out to sea to conduct illegal research on the True History of the world and honor her husband's dream where she then left to study the poneglyphs. This saw her leaving her 2 year old daughter Robin in the care of Olvia's brother and his wife, Roji. Roji both verbally and physically abused Robin over menial actions. Roji made it obvious time and time again that Robin was not wanted; she was expected to keep out of sight and she was not allowed to participate in family celebrations. The powers of her Devil Fruit often freaked out or scared the other children, on top of that often she would overhear the conversations of parents telling their children to avoid her at all cost as well as other children calling her a demon. Her only friends were the scholars at 'The Tree of Knowledge', with Professor Clover of the archaeology lab, a friend of her mother, trying to take care of her. At only eight years old, she aced an archaeology exam and was officially inducted as a scholar. However, when she announced that she, like her mother, wanted to find out the true, unrecorded history of the world, she was reproved by Clover who told her she will get banned from the library if she continued to spy on the other scholars. Robin ran off crying and headed to the northwest beach of Ohara, where she met the giant, Jaguar D. Saul, who was washed up on shore. The two became friends and Robin continued to visit him for the following four days, while he built his raft. After Saul found out he was on Ohara and figured out that Robin was Olvia's daughter, he informed Robin about the battleships that were on their way to destroy Ohara due to the scholars studying the Poneglyph.

Nico Olvia had recently escaped off a Marine ship and returned to Ohara due to Saul's efforts. She informed the archaeologists that her colleagues had been killed by the marines. She told them that the Marines were able to infer that Ohara was their homeland based on the items they possessed on the ship, and they were headed towards Ohara, likely to kill them. The archaeologists, however, refused to leave; they wished to continue to protect the tree and the knowledge they had worked so hard to research and procure. When Olvia was warned that CP9 was on shore, she rushed out of the Tree of Knowledge, running past her daughter without notice. Robin arrived at the Tree of Knowledge, and asked Clover about her mother's whereabouts. As a wanted woman, Olvia wished to cut all ties with her daughter, so that Robin might not be associated with a criminal mother. Doing as Olvia wanted, Clover denied that Robin's mother was on the island, but Robin seemed skeptical. Clover quickly changed the topic and urged Robin to leave, and not to mention that she is an archaeologist, or she might be arrested too. Robin refused and CP9 bust into the Tree of Knowledge and began searching for the Poneglyphs. Outside, agents warned the island's residents to move to the evacuation boat or be destroyed. Olvia confronted Spandine, the director of CP9 at the time, but was quickly subdued by the brute force of his agents. Back at the Tree of Knowledge, all of the archaeologists were arrested and taken outside the tree, and once again Clover urged Robin to escape, but she refused once again. Spandine and the rest of CP9 arrived with a gravely wounded Olvia, who instantly recognized her daughter once her name is spoken. CP9 found the Poneglyph in the basement of the tree, and Spandine sentenced the archaeologists to death by Buster Call. However, Clover began to speak out, talking to the Five Elders via Spandine's Den Den Mushi, stating his theory on why the government really wanted to keep the Void Century a secret. However, before Clover could reveal the name of the civilization he spoke of, he was shot point blank and mortally wounded.

As the attack on Ohara began, it was discovered that Robin also had the capacity to read Poneglyphs. As the bombardment began, Spandine and CP9 made their exit, Robin and Olvia reunited, and shortly afterwards, Saul arrived. Olvia asked Saul to make sure that her daughter was taken safely off the island, and told Robin that she must continue to live. Robin begged to stay with her mother, but Olvia insisted on staying, as there was something more that she had to do. Saul followed Olvia's wish and managed to reach the island's shore. But the Marine ships spotted him and opened fire. Seeing as he was carrying Robin, Saul put her down and retaliated in anger for almost hurting Robin, and destroyed several ships. Robin tried to make for the evacuation ship but trying to use her Hana Hana abilities to get aboard frightened the people on board, plus Spandine told them not to let her on since she says she is an archaeologist, so she walked away crying, to later see Saul being attacked by Vice Admiral Kuzan. She was shocked to see the destruction of the evacuation ship being destroyed by another vice admiral, Sakazuki, who did so as a precaution in case any archaeologists had snuck aboard. Saul tried to get away with Robin but he was frozen by Kuzan's ice power. Before being completely encased, Saul encouraged Robin to escape and that her friends were out in the ocean waiting for her. Robin ran to the raft that Saul built, only to be met by Kuzan. He told her that he was letting Robin go, since he was curious as to why Saul risked his life for her. However, Kuzan warned her that he will be the first to come after Robin if she tried anything. Robin then left on a boat guided by an ice path Kuzan set for her. Remembering Saul's words, she tried to laugh but wept as Ohara was burned to the ground, which left her as the only survivor.

Robin was found by a ship heading northwest of West Blue and when she boarded it, somehow her bounty picture was taken. Spandine angrily explained to Sengoku that he tried to follow her, but his ship was caught on ice. For the World Government to capture her, he suggested putting a bounty on her head, and sent Marines and agents to hunt her down, spreading the lie that she sank six ships to cover up the truth. As she was the only known person left with the ability to read the text of the forbidden history, the World Government placed a high bounty on her head. In order to survive and to pursue her mother's dream, she spent two decades in the service of various pirates and other criminal organizations. Due to her excessive bounty, she was consistently betrayed, eroding her ability to trust others.

Miss All Sunday

She was 24 years old when she travelled to the nation of Arabasta which was where she met Sir Crocodile who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He came to learn of her ability to read the Poneglyphs and recruited her in his search for the ancient weapon known as Pluton that was believed to be hidden within the desert country. In exchange, he offered her his protection and she came to join the ranks of his secret criminal organization known as Baroque Works. As Miss All-Sunday, she came to be the only agent of the organization to be aware that Sir Crocodile was their secret leader. Meanwhile, Robin managed to stay safely hidden away from the attention of the World Government for the next 4 years. It was later determined that their organization had been infiltrated by two spies namely Nefertari Vivi and Igaram who were actually from the Arabasta Kingdom. They had uncovered the goals of Baroque Works leading to agents being sent to eliminate them. Robin came to be among those dispatched to Whiskey Peak where she seemingly was responsible for the death of Igaram. In reality, he had survived as the ship had been a decoy vessel with this being Robin's intended goal. In this time, she came to encounter the Straw Hat Pirates where she offered them an Eternal Pose to Nanimonai Island but Monkey D. Luffy destroyed it as he refused to allow Miss All-Sunday to determine their destination. During the encounter, she let Princess Vivi to determine that the secret leader of Baroque Works was none other than Sir Crocodile whereupon Robin departed the scene. Miss All Sunday then made the necessary arrangements in order to organize the meeting between the remaining Officer Agents and the boss of the criminal organization Crocodile.

Finally, the Officer Agents of the Baroque Works met up with Miss All Sunday and Crocodile in the basement of the Rain Dinners Casino which was owned by Crocodile. They were told the goal of the Baroque Works, their final mission and their respective parts in overthrowing Arabasta. They were interrupted by Mr. 3, who told them that the Straw Hats and Vivi had escaped him during their time in Little Garden. He asked Crocodile for forgiveness but is fed to his pet Bananawani instead. The Officer Agents all got pictures of Vivi and the Straw Hat crew with the help of Bon Kurei's abilities and were given the order to hunt them down. Later, Vivi was surrounded by Billions, but was saved by Pell, a guard of the king who flew to Rainbase after Karoo's arrival in order to scout. Pell however was defeated by Miss All-Sunday and Vivi was taken to the Rain Dinners basement. There, Crocodile told her his plan to overthrow Arabasta while it was being executed. Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Zoro, and Smoker all arrived at Rain Dinners, but they all were caught by a trap and thrown in a Seastone cage by Crocodile. Later in the desert, during a battle against Luffy, Crocodile created a sandstorm and sent it off to Yuba, where Toto was, and explained that he was the one who was sending storms there every day. Luffy yelled for him to stop it, but Crocodile impaled him with his hook during his distress then when he saw Luffy was still alive, he left him in quicksand to die. Luckily, Luffy was saved by Miss All-Sunday after Crocodile's departure and left Luffy in the hands of Pell, telling Pell that Luffy was responsible for the safe return of Vivi. After the Baroque Works’ Officer Agents are defeated at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates, Vivi arrived at the palace. The war had already started. Vivi ordered the Royal Army to blow up the palace in order to get everyone's attention but was stopped by Crocodile. The army, realizing what was happening, tried to enter the palace but they were stopped by Miss All-Sunday. Koza also arrived at the scene, intending to demand Cobra's surrender, only to find out the truth of the situation. Crocodile revealed that he is going to blow up the palace plaza, soon to be center point of battle, with a massive and powerful bomb. He also revealed his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which is said to be buried in Arabasta. Koza wanted to warn the city but is stopped by Vivi, who stated that it will create a panic. The Royal Army raised the white flag, with Koza in front, but he was shot down by a double agent in the Royal Army, provoking the rebels. A battle started on the palace plaza and Vivi watched in horror. Crocodile proceeded to throw Vivi off the palace wall, but she was saved by Luffy who came in flying on Pell's back. Vivi met the rest of the Straw Hats on the foot of the wall and went to search for the bomb with them and Pell.

Luffy challenged Crocodile for a second time but now he was aware that water is Crocodile’s weakness. While the fight continued, Miss All Sunday took the nails painfully out of Cobra's body and cuffed him with her powers to force the King to the location of Pluton. Meanwhile, a furious Crocodile recovered and ordered his partner to quickly depart. Miss All-Sunday was confronted by Marines led by Tashigi. Having a more than personal enmity against Marines than other pirates, she yelled at them to get out of her way. Tashigi demanded she released Cobra, but Miss All Sunday was not going to take orders from those who directly took orders from the World Government. Tashigi is later informed by one of her men that Miss All-Sunday was originally known as "Nico Robin", who received a bounty of 79,000,000 Beli as a child because she was believed to have been responsible for the sinking of six warships. Visibly angered, Miss All Sunday easily dispatched the Marine grunts, and defeated Tashigi with her Devil Fruit ability. Miss All-Sunday and King Cobra went in the hidden Grave of the Kings and found the Poneglyph. Crocodile soon arrived but did not get the information he wanted from the stone. He turned his back on Nico Robin and attacked her while she tried an assassination attempt of her own but failed. Robin later gave the antidote to the poison in Crocodile's golden hook to Cobra, since Luffy was poisoned by it during his battle with Crocodile. After Cobra used it to save Luffy, Luffy managed to awaken long enough to grab Robin and Cobra and carried them out before the grave caved in. Shortly after the Straw Hats' departure from Arabasta, Robin made herself known, having hid herself on board of the Going Merry before their departure. Claiming that she wanted to join the crew since Luffy saved her when she lost her will to live and he should take responsibility. Luffy accepted her offer to join the crew, but the rest (excluding Sanji) were suspicious of her. However, she managed to quickly win everyone's favor, except for Zoro, who remained wary of her.

Straw Hat Pirates

Nami's Log Pose began pointing to the sky, after that, a big ship fell from sky and the crew found a map in the ship of an island named 'Skypiea' on a 200-year-old ship. They competed with the monkey-like Masira's salvage crew while they searched for more clues on how to get there. The Straw Hats decided to go to Jaya island to look for information on Skypiea, while Robin herself decided to temporarily part from the crew and search for clues on her own. It was implied that she may have gotten into some kind of confrontation while gathering information and used her powers to end the scuffle. The Straw Hats met with Mont Blanc Cricket on another part of Jaya; Cricket is a descendant of Mont Blanc Noland, an infamous 'liar' who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was outcast for looking for artifacts of the gold city. He might have been the only person who knows how to get to Skypiea. Cricket explained how the Straw Hats can ride a dangerous vertical current called the Knock-Up Stream to get to Skypiea. However, they first had to catch a South Bird to point them towards the location where the stream will erupt from the ocean. When Robin was able to catch sight of a South Bird, she was able to quickly subdue it using her Devil Fruit powers. While the Straw Hats were looking for a South Bird, Bellamy and his crew attacked Cricket's house, and stole the gold artifacts he'd collected over the years from his salvage work. When the Straw Hats returned and see what happened, Luffy decided to take a side trip back to Mock Town. The Going Merry was later refitted by Masira and Shoujou to be flight capable, and the Straw Hats caught a ride on the Knock-Up Stream for Skypiea. They started entering the Gate of Heaven. First, they were recommended by an old woman to pay their extol, but even though they do not pay the old woman let them pass. As they were carried by a sky shrimp, they landed on a place that was surrounded by clouds. They met Conis, a Skypiean. As they talked, the White Berets interrupted them and labeled them as a criminal of illegal entrants. As Zoro , Nami, Chopper, and Robin board the ship, a shrimp suddenly carried them to the Sacrificial Altar. Zoro, Nami and Robin explored the land and they discovered it was a part of Jaya. They later came back to the Going Merry and were reunited with Luffy's group. That same evening, they discussed their plan of attack and had a feast with a bunch of local wolfs. The next morning, Luffy's group set out to explore the island. When a giant snake attacked them, Robin, Luffy, Zoro and Chopper are separated, and all decided to go to the legendary city themselves hoping to meet each other there, although only Robin was going the right way. Robin defeated Yama, the chief of Enel's enforcers, angered by him destroying the ruins around her while trying to attack her and said he should treasure history more carefully.

While looking for the Poneglyph, she met Enel himself and with a massive, powerful burst of lightning, he brought all the other combatants on Giant Jack crashing down to the city. At the time, Nami was in hiding and Zoro came to be the only known survivors of the game. Meanwhile, there were only six combatants that had survived whilst Luffy was swallowed by the giant snake during that time all of whom were in front of the master of the game. Enel eliminated Gan Fall when he defiantly denounced him as God. Robin herself was struck down by lightning after trying to trick Enel into believing that if he destroyed Upper Yard, the Golden Bell would never be found, having anticipated that she would have knowledge of where it was and would try to use it against him. When Luffy and a Shandia girl named Aisa escaped the snake due to it being electrocuted by Enel. Robin regained consciousness, and told Luffy and Aisa of Enel's plan to destroy all of Skypiea, and gain the Golden Bell for himself. As Luffy charged towards the self-proclaimed god with Aisa on Pierre to give his location, Robin mustered up what strength she had to get the defeated Straw Hats to higher ground on Giant Jack in case Enel began his attack. During the battle, Enel tricked Luffy, and temporarily prevented him from interfering with his plan by grafting a giant sphere of gold onto his arm and removing him from the ship. Enel then used his flying ship, Maxim to form thunderclouds over Skypiea, and commenced his plan by firing lightning bolts all over the land as it rises to search for the Golden Bell. Amazingly, Luffy returned to Giant Jack, and asked Robin to take care of Aisa, while he had unfinished business with Enel, charging up again. Eventually, with Nami's help, the Straw Hats knocked over Giant Jack for Luffy with Nami riding her Waver to gain up to him, as he jumped towards the massive thundercloud Enel created, the Raigo, and discharged the electricity within it, causing it to explode and clear the sky. Luffy, with his final attack, knocked Enel through the Golden Bell, and ended the war between the Skypieans and the Shandia, with the bell and Enel collapsing. After Luffy defeated Enel, Robin read the Poneglyph on the Golden Bell, learning about another ancient weapon, Poseidon, and sees Gol D. Roger's writing in the ancient script on the bell. She then concludes that the Rio Poneglyph is on Laugh Tale. Seeing this, Robin became convinced that Luffy will be very important in the changing era of the world.

She stayed with the crew, until Aokiji appeared once again. The Straw Hats are quickly dispatched by his overwhelming power. He informs the crew that every organization Nico Robin has associated with has eventually been destroyed. Shortly after that, on Water 7, she is approached by the CP9 and her crew is threatened a second time, she gives herself up in exchange for her comrades safety.

When the Straw Hats learn of her motives, they chase the CP9 to the judicial stronghold of Enies Lobby, while Robin persistently refuses to be rescued. In addition to the safety of her friends, Robin turns herself in out of fear that the Straw Hats would come to regard her as a burden, and betray her like her previous associates.

When the Straw Hats learn this truth, they don't hesitate to exclaim their devotion for their comrades by burning the government's flag. With the symbol of her prosecution going up in flames, she realizes how far they would go to protect her and declares her newfound desire to live. With the defeat of the CP9 and the obliteration of Enies Lobby, Robin becomes an official member of the Straw Hat Pirates.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Nico Robin was a tall, attractive woman with shoulder length black hair. She usually wears somewhat revealing clothing usually showing her cleavage and her belly with this being either dark in color or consisting of leather, sometimes both, and she was known to wear a purple cowboy hat on numerous occasions. It was noted that Robin also resembled her mother greatly, with the exception of her hair color and style. As a member of Baroque Works, she came to operate under the code name of Miss All Sunday (ミス・オールサンデー, Misu Ōrusandē).

As an archaeologist, Robin values ancient artifacts and buildings and will risk her life to protect them. She becomes extremely angry with those who destroy these ancient relics. Robin is consistently portrayed as the wisest and most sensible member of the crew. She has vast knowledge of the world of One Piece, and usually keeps her head during surprising situations, allowing her to logically analyze them without losing her cool. This was in direct contrast to the other Straw Hats, who often overreact comically or melodramatically to unexpected happenings and hold irrational ideas and conclusions. She even remains calm when talking about morbid subjects, often shocking her crewmates.

Her dream is to find and decipher the Rio Poneglyph, which she believes to lie at the end of the Grand Line on the island of Raftel.

Powers and abilities

Nico Robin was born an ordinary human being with no special inherent powers. Such was her skill that she was one of only two people in the world known to have the ability to read and decipher Poneglyphs with this being considered a forbidden practice as it threatened the World Government. As a child, Robin studied archaeology and history where she became an official archaeologist at the age of eight. A brilliant strategist due to her genius intellect, she came to be extremely skilled in using cunning deception and trickery to gain a strategic advantage over enemies who are more powerful than herself. Due to her having spent years escaping from Marines and World Government, Robin is also tactically cautious with a strong perception of danger.

When she was young, Robin came to eat the Hana Hana no Mi (ハナハナの実, Flower Flower Fruit) that was a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This allowed her the power to create copies of any of her body parts on any solid surface that she could see such as her own body, or on the bodies of others or on other objects. Practically, she most often employed grappling techniques to incapacitate her foe by replicating her limbs on their body she eliminated the need for close range combat. By sprouting multiple arms from her opponents' bodies, she can use her power to disarm her opponents, as well as put them into painful submission holds and even snap their bones almost effortlessly. She can also use this application of her power to twist and flip her opponents. Her power is excellent for fighting a large number of enemies at once. In another case, she could sprout her legs from underneath an injured comrade thus helping transport them away from danger. If Robin's replicated body parts were damaged in some way, the damage appeared on her actual body.

Among the techniques known to her included:

  • Dos Fleur (二輪ドス咲きフルール Dosu Furūru?, literally meaning "Two Flower"; kanji meaning "Two Profusely Blooming Flowers"):
    • Grab (グラップ Gurappu?) :
    • Clutch (クラッチ Kuratchi?) :
  • Tres Fleur (三輪トレス咲きフルール Toresu Furūru?, literally meaning "Three Flower"; kanji meaning "Three Profusely Blooming Flowers") :
  • Cinco Fleur (五輪シンコ咲きフルール Shinko Furūru?, literally meaning "Five Flower"; kanji meaning "Five Profusely Blooming Flowers") :
  • Seis Fleur (六輪セイス咲きフルール Seisu Furūru?, literally meaning "Six Flower"; kanji meaning "Six Profusely Blooming Flowers") :
    • Twist (ツイスト Tsuisuto?) :
    • Clutch (クラッチ Kuratchi?) :
    • Slap (スラップ Surappu?) :
  • Ocho Fleur (八輪咲きオーチョフルール Ōcho Furūru?, literally meaning "Eight Flower"; kanji meaning "Eight Profusely Blooming Flowers") :
    • Flip (フリップ Furippu?) :
    • Clutch (クラッチ Kuratchi?) :
  • Nueve Fleur (九輪ヌエベ咲きフルール Nuebe Furūru?, literally meaning "Nine Flower"; kanji meaning "Nine Profusely Blooming Flowers") :
    • Twist (ツイスト Tsuisuto?) :

Whilst working with Crocodile, she came to serve as a member of his criminal organization Baroque Works (バロックワークス, Barokku Wākusu).

After being saved by Luffy, she came to join the ranks of the Straw Hat Pirates (麦わらの一味, Mugiwara no Ichimi). Among the crew, she was an archaeologist and historian with her believed to be the only person in the story's present able to read the Poneglyph language.


  • Nico Robin was created by Eiichiro Oda where she featured in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media



Video games


  • One Piece:

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