Jon Canmore

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Jon Canmore

Jon Canmore (1972 - ?) was the youngest son of Charles Canmore and brother to Jason and Robyn. After the death of their father at the hands of Demona, the three siblings took up the mask of the Hunter, vowing to avenge their father by not only killing Demona, but hunting down every remaining gargoyle. Unlike his siblings, Jon questioned the need to eliminate the entire species; however, he never actually opposed Jason and Robyn directly.

In 1996, the siblings came to Manhattan, following rumors of gargoyle sightings. Jon went undercover as a WVRN reporter named Jon Carter. Eventually they found the gargoyles, and using the Carter alias, Jon revealed the existence of gargoyles to the world. After a subsequent battle at a nearby dam led to Jason's apparent death, Jon became fanatically devoted to killing the gargoyles.

In the battle at St. Damien's Cathedral, while trying to shoot Goliath, Jon accidently shot his brother, paralyzing him from the waist down. Unable to accept responsibility for what he did, Jon ran off, being the only of his siblings to escape arrest.

Later, Jon approached the Illuminati Society, and through them changed his name and identity to John Castaway.

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