Ninth Doctor

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The Ninth Doctor is a male television character who features in Doctor Who.



The Ninth Doctor was one of the incarnations of the Time Lord known as the Doctor.

The Doctor ran into Rose again when he saved her from a plastic duplicate of her boyfriend Mickey Smith at a restaurant. He took Rose to the TARDIS and used the Auton's head to trace the control signal of the Nestene Consciousness, discovering it and the original Mickey in a base beneath the London Eye. The Doctor asked the Consciousness to leave Earth and find another planet to feed off, but it refused and ordered two Autons to take the Doctor prisoner, leaving Rose to defeat the Consciousness and save the Doctor's life. Taking Rose and Mickey in the TARDIS to safety, the Doctor asked Rose to travel with him without her boyfriend, but she turned him down and he departed. (Episode: Rose)

For Rose's first trip, the Doctor took her to Platform One in the year 5000000000 to observe the Earth's destruction by the sun. While there, the Doctor befriended Jabe, a representative of the Forest of Cheem, after she learned that he was the only surviving Time Lord. Jabe consoled him and felt sorry for his loss, causing the Doctor to shed a tear out of thankfulness at her sympathy. The Doctor saved the other sightseers from Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17's plot to burn them alive for insurance money, at the cost of Jabe's life. He let Cassandra's frame of skin dry out and explode as punishment when he foiled her plan, ignoring her cries for help, (Episode: The End of the World)

At Christmas in 1869 Cardiff, the Doctor and Rose found a deceased woman possessed by a Gelth, a creature turned to gas by the Time War. When Rose was kidnapped by Sneed and Company funeral parlour, the Doctor worked with Charles Dickens to find her, following Gabriel Sneed and Gwyneth to where other 'zombies' had also been animated by the Gelth. In Sneed's morgue, the Doctor had Gwyneth try and pull the Gelth through the Rift using her psychic connection to it. The Gelth, numbering in the billions rather than just the few they claimed, wished to wipe out humanity and take over their bodies, starting with the dead bodies in Sneed and Company. The Doctor, Rose and Dickens escaped from the Gelth by filling the room with gas, sucking out the Gelth from the cadavers. Gwyneth, who had already died from contacting the Gelth, blew the house up with a match, trapping them and saving the world. Before going off in the TARDIS, the Doctor said goodbye to Dickens, telling him that his work would be remembered forever, which made Dickens a happier person. (Episode: The Unquiet Dead)

The Doctor would later take Rose to the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon and Woman Wept, where they walked at midnight under frozen waves one hundred feet high. (Episode: Boom Town)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

The Ninth Doctor was the ninth incarnation of the Gallifreyan Time Lord known as the Doctor. (Episode: Rose)


  • The Ninth Doctor was portrayed by actor Christopher Eccleston where he appeared in the episode "Rose" (2005)

In other media



  • Doctor Who: "Rose" (2005)

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