The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers)
The Creeper is a male movie character who features in Jeepers Creepers.
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The Creeper was a mysterious monstrous male being who had been killing humans for decades with its origins not truly known.
Five days before its hibernation, the Creeper went out on a hunt in its signature rusty truck. After having fed, he was returning to his church hideout with the body of a victim wrapped in a sheet in the back of his vehicle. As he drove along the highway on East 9 in rural North Central Florida he came across siblings Trish and Darry. He drove behind Trish's car and sounded his horn, ignoring the space Darry offered him to pass. But eventually drove past them. The Creeper had possibly forgotten about the Jenners, but just as he was tossing another body down the pipe in broad daylight, he saw them pass by, looking at what he was doing. Knowing very well that they had seen him, he got back in his truck and gave chase. The Creeper did not take long to catch up to them and rammed the cattle catcher in the front of his truck at the rear of their car. He did this while repeatedly sounding his horn, until the final blow that sent their car off the road. The Creeper drove off and left the Jenners where they were. It is unknown why he spared their lives, as he could easily have stopped to kill them. Perhaps he was warning them. After being gone a while, the Creeper returned when Darry and Trish were parked outside a gas station. He still ignored them and sped back to the church with all haste. Back at the church, he found evidence that someone had been there while he was away, and smelled Darry's scent, as Darry was scared when he found all the bodies. Knowing that the only people that came snooping in his lair were the pair he encountered earlier, the Creeper sprang his wings and flew to the Gas Station. It was dark by the time he found their car. He went through the laundry he found at the backseat of the car, sniffing it, and confirming his suspicions that Darry was inside his lair. The Creeper then ran off as some people in the diner had seen him. Minutes later, he flew over the gas station and saw Darry and Trish were with police. He flew back to his church, and knowing that his hideout was no longer safe, he disposed of the evidence by setting it on fire, along with the basement and his workshop. He then went to deal with the police and the two siblings.
The Creeper flew to Darry, Trish and the two cops. He first eliminated the bigger threat, the police. He landed on the police car, which was behind that of the oblivious Jenner sibling's vehicle, pulled the female cop out of the car window by grabbing her head, then penetrated the top of the car right above the driver's seat with his hand, dragged the male cop's head through the hole, and beheaded him with a battle-axe. He threw the head at Trish's windshield, alarming the siblings and causing them to stop. Through all that confusion, the Creeper was able to slide inside the police car and sit in it waiting. As the terrified brother and sister watched, he came out seconds later, whistling his favorite song Jeepers Creepers, walked over to the cop's head, and pulled its tongue out with his teeth. Trish drove away from the scene and The Creeper loaded the headless body, into the back of his truck followed by the male cop's head. Resuming his hunt for Darry and Trish, he landed inside an old woman's yard, impersonating one of her scarecrows. He dismantled the electricity, and darkness followed. The old woman stood in front of Darry and Trish and threatened the Creeper with a rifle to leave. She fired, only for her to blast her scarecrow to pieces as The Creeper had got out of the way with lightning speed and leaped on top of her house, frightening her cats. The old woman followed the Creeper but was mortally wounded after firing twice at him. The Creeper held her upright by her spine, finally revealing his non-human face to Darry and Trish. The Jenners fled, while The Creeper followed. They got in their car and returned to the road, but The Creeper landed on the hood of their car, flipped back and landed firmly as they reversed. Trish drove the car forwards and backward trying to hit him, seemingly playing a game amusing to The Creeper himself. The Creeper soon got tired of the game and moved in for the kill, but Trish caught him off-guard and hit him square. She later ran the car backward and forwards, breaking his feet and his hand. The Creeper tried to get up to fly away, by releasing one of his wings but its badly hurt body denied him. He passed out just as Trish ran over him one last time and drove off with Darry.
The Creeper did get up in the end, and walked to its truck on the open ends of his legs, and drove after the Jenners, as he wanted to know which Jenner had the part he wanted to eat and to avenge the trouble they had caused him. He found their car parked at the police station. He quietly broke into the station, entered the cells and killed and ate some prisoners. He ate a heart, two feet, and was caught just as he was swallowing a hand. He escapes the cops that were going down to the cells to capture him, and proceeded to look for Darry and Trish in the station.
Personality attributes
In appearance, the Creeper was a partially humanoid being with monstrous features such as a pale green skin that was shown to possess a leathery quality to it.
He was shown to possess a sadistic streak where he enjoyed torturing his enemies.
Powers and abilities
The Creeper has the ability to regenerate any part of his body by consuming a matching human body part. This allows him to replenish his deteriorating body and maintain a state of immortality. The ability also functions as a form of healing factor, as he can intentionally discard an injured or maimed body part and simply devour a replacement. In addition to his regenerative powers, The Creeper is also quite resilient. In the first film, he is run-over several times by Trish and Darry in their vehicle, yet he still manages to escape and heal himself. In the second film, The Creeper is impaled several times with large harpoons, breaks both of his wings, suffers multiple limb amputations and head wounds, and yet still he continues to pursue his prey with the use of only an arm and a leg. He can also crawl on walls like a spider. The Creeper seemingly ceases his activities only when he begins hibernating at the end of his 23 day feeding period. He is, however, shown to have a sense of pain, screaming when injured or attacked severely.
Physiologically, The Creeper is only partially humanoid. His skin appears to be leathery and is pale green in color. He has long pointed fingernails, talons on his feet, razor sharp teeth, a pair of large wings (resembling those of a bat) on his back, and another wing-like appendage protruding from the back of his neck. In both films, The Creeper is depicted as strong enough to lift his own body weight and at least one adult human. In the second film, he is shown to throttle and lift a pick-up truck while he is in flight. The Creeper's flying speed is undetermined, but has been seen to easily match that of a speeding automobile. The Creeper possesses an obscure sense of smell which allows him to sniff out specific body parts in his victims which are fit for his consumption. Functioning through an extra pair of nostrils near the bridge of his nose, this sense is especially keen to targets experiencing a heightened state of fear.
Though never deliberately stated, it can be inferred that The Creeper is quite intelligent. Though he has not yet been seen to speak, he has demonstrated the ability to whistle and seems to enjoy music, and owns an old phonograph (on which he plays the song which inspired the film's namesake whilst dissecting his victims). He also appears to appreciate and indulge in art, as he creates patchworks, sculptures, and weapon decorations out of any uneaten parts from his victims. The Creeper also takes measures to disguise his actual identity by dressing in human clothing: particularly tattered trousers, a worn duster, and wide-brimmed hat. He also drives a derelict 1941 Chevrolet COE, which he uses to transport bodies to his various hideouts
The Creeper employs a variety of weapons in his pursuit of prey. He commonly carries daggers, shuriken, and other small weapons all fashioned from the flesh and bones of his victims. He also possesses a medieval battle axe, which he uses to decapitate one of his victims in the first film. The Creeper seems fond of throwing weapons, which he uses with deadly pinpoint accuracy, so much that it creates the illusion that the weapons are moving of their own accord.
The Creeper also drives a decrepit Chevrolet COE truck which he uses to transport bodies to his hideouts, most commonly, the basement of an abandoned church dubbed "The House of Pain." He also uses this truck to frighten potential victims and force them off of the road. The truck seems to have been modified, and can reach speeds of at least 100MPH despite its damaged exterior.
- The Creeper was created by Victor Salva as the primary antagonist of the Jeeper Creeper series with him being portrayed by Jonathan Breck.
- In a behind-the-scenes interview on the Jeepers Creepers II DVD, Salva teased that The Creeper has "been around a long time" and that he might have, at one point, "possibly been human."
In other media
- In Jeepers Creepers: Trail of the Beast v1 (2019), the Creeper appeared in the setting of the comic book tie-in. The Aztecs believed him to be their serpent god Quetzelcoatl, and he is seen accepting and eating a sacrificed human heart during one of their rituals. The Cherokee likewise referred to him as the Uktena, the most feared and respected of all the dark creatures, and performed a similar method of keeping him appeased. He is also revealed to be responsible for the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists in the late 1580s, as well as starting the mine fire in Centralia, Pennsylvania in 1962.
- Jeepers Creepers:
- Jeepers Creepers II:
- Jeepers Creepers 3:
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