Canmore (Gargoyles)

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(1032 - 1093) The son of Duncan, and prince of Scotland. For many years he was friends with Luach, and it seemed like he would not carry his father's loathing for Macbeth. But in AD 1040 when Duncan went to war with Macbeth and was slain in battle, Canmore demanded the throne that was rightfully his. Choosing to spare his life, Macbeth had him banished to England.

In AD 1057, Canmore returned, leading an army of English soldiers, having taken up the mask of the Hunter, determined to overthrow Macbeth and take the throne. Fearing that Macbeth would betray her, Demona allied herself and her clan with Canmore, but Canmore betrayed her and slaughtered her clan. His siege of Castle Moray? proved to be succesful, and he succeeded in overthrowing Macbeth, killing both him and Demona (or so he believed). A year later, he killed Luach and took the throne of Scotland.

At some unknown point, Canmore started up the Hunt again as his descendents would carry out the hunt well into the 20th century and beyond.)

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