Category talk:Scarlet Pimpernel

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Can I do an entry on the 1982 tv movie version? How about the Pink Carnation and the Purple Gentian by Laura Willig?

21:06, 6 June 2006 (CDT)~Enda80

The 1982 TV movie version should only get his own entry if the TV movie was very, very different from the original work. Say, as different as Batman: The Animated Series was from the original Batman comics. If the differences were more subtle, the 1982 TV movie version should only be included in a subsection of a full-fledged entry on the original Scarlet Pimpernel. Generally, adaptations with small changes don't merit an entire universe category of their own.
As for The Secret History of the Pink Carnation, that's totally deserving of a universe category all its own, and you're welcome to make entries from it. (Again, though, anything on the Pimpernel belongs in a Pimpernel entry.) Just make sure you note the connection to the original Pimpernel stories!
To see an example of what I'm talking about, look at the Mr. Hyde entry. Jeb 22:15, 6 June 2006 (CDT)

Ok, here is what I had in mind for a summary.

In the 1790's, as the French Revolution had progressed to guillotinings, Sir Percy Blakenly, pretending to play the fop when in aristocratic society, decided to become the Scarlet Pimpernel. While he did not wear a costume, he used various disguises to smuggle out aristocrats targeted for execution. He worked with other British aristocrats such as Sir Anthony Dewhurst and Timothy Hastings, who curiously did not attempt to conceal their identities from the aristocrats that they saved, in the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. The League's success was modest at best (as assessed by Public Safety agent Paul Chauvelin), since they could not operate at too large a size without sacrificing secrecy, but the French leader Robespierre feared he would inspire the hopes of those who thought they could restore the monarchy.

One day, Blakenly managed to scare off some hoodlums hired to attack Armand St. Just, who had apparently been seen with the daughter of the Marquis de St. Cyr. Armand St. Just served as an aid to Chauvelin. Blakenly and St. Just became friends, and Percy married Armand's sister, Marguerite, a stage star. However, Chauvelin, who had previously been Marguerite's fiancé, enraged that she would marry an aristocrat, had the Marquis arrested and his entire family killed, and many came to believe that Marguerite had put him up to it.

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