Jack Edward Travis

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Jack Edward Travis was a former Los Angeles police officer who was widely regarded by his superiors as one of the most highly skilled cops on the force, capable of beating a confession out of just about anybody. However he was also quite corrupt and was the subject of an extensive Internal Affairs investigation which led to the loss of his badge. Travis then disappeared, and several years later, he and his gang of ruthless henchmen (mostly made up of former criminals he'd busted while a cop) hatched a scheme to build a housing project in the desert outside of L.A.

But because such a venture cost money, Travis resorted to using his former policeman's credentials and knowledge of how the force worked to repeatedly break into the police lockup and steal tons of confiscated weapons and ammo, which he then sold to crime boss Tyrone. Travis' operation then came to the attention of Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh when two of his minions, Billy Phelps and Smitty, foolishly tried to hijack an armored car, and Travis was forced to go to police headquarters and covertly kill the captured Phelps before he could spill his guts to the cops.

This resulted in his being caught on tape and recognized by Internal Affairs investigator Lorna Cole and Captain Murphy, not to mention Leo Getz (who'd met Travis through his real estate dealings). Thus, Riggs and Murtaugh began their own investigation into the gun thefts, something which was a personal vendetta for Murtaugh after he shot and killed his son Nick's friend Daryl Smithers, who'd been armed with one of the guns sold to him by Travis and Tyrone.

When Riggs and Cole captured a large shipment of guns destined for the hands of Tyrone's gang members, Travis was forced to break into the police lockup once again to steal them back, an act that resulted in the kidnapping of Captain Murphy and the death of a young rookie who was good friends with Riggs and Murtaugh. After saving Murphy, Riggs pursued Travis and his truckload of stolen guns but lost him on the freeway (thanks to some fancy driving by Herschel, who was behind the wheel at the time), allowing Travis to make it back to his headquarters in the desert (right where the housing project was being developed, incidentally).

But Travis' days were numbered. Thanks to information provided by Leo Getz, Riggs, Murtaugh and Cole pinpointed the location of Travis' hideout and stormed it, destroying his guns and burning the housing project to the ground, killing all of his gang members. After critically injuring Cole by shooting her armor-piercing bullets, Travis attempted to run Riggs down with a bulldozer. Riggs though used the same armor-piercing rounds to shoot Travis through the shovel of the bulldozer, mortally wounding Travis, who then lost control of the vehicle and drove it into the fire, burning to death.

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