Babyface Half-Nelson

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Babyface Half-Nelson was a ruthless bulldog gangster who Baloo was tasked with flying from Prison Island to Cape Suzette for trial. However, before Baloo even got to the prison Babyface managed to knock out the policeman escorting him, Officer Malarky, and switched clothes with him. Once they landed in Cape Suzette, "Officer" Babyface left Baloo to "guard the prisoner" while he ran to get them some snacks. Not surprisingly, he did not return, leaving Baloo to be arrested by the police as an accomplice to a jailbreak.

Meanwhile, what Babyface didn't know was that his mother had hired two thugs to intercept the paddywagon en route to the police station and rescue her son. Since Baloo was inside, the thugs grabbed him in the confusion thinking he was Babyface. When Babyface returned home and discovered Baloo there, he realized he'd have to "cream" him so he could not reveal the location of their secret hideout. Baloo escaped however after he tricked Babyface into thinking his expensive suit had a stain on it: while he was frantically trying to locate the offending smudge, Baloo grabbed a trashcan and smashed Babyface over the head with it, then ran.

After rigging their hideout to explode so the police could not find any evidence to use against them, Babyface, his mother, and their men moved to their backup hideout located underground behind Tiny's Grill. Baloo, disguised as a gangster named "Prettyboy Lloyd", managed to locate this hideout and tricked Babyface into helping him rob the First National Bank of Cape Suzette, which was actually the police station. However, Babyface got wise to the trick and made his escape through the sewers.

Baloo followed in the Sea Duck (the tunnels were, for the most part, big enough to contain the large cargo plane), and after a lengthy pursuit Babyface was finally caught when a police airplane being flown by none other than Officer Malarky and his partner, Officer Gertalin, slammed into Babyface's luxury sedan, causing him to crash. Babyface survived the wreck unharmed, and was arrested.

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