Aziz (Aladdin)

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Aziz was one of three thieves who, along with Aladdin, sought to steal the Destiny Stone. Inadvertently, he and his companions were trapped inside the Stone for years, finally breaking free with them to seek revenge on Aladdin. Aziz's time in the stone made him into an impish creature with a magical breath, capable of generating sorcerous effects or simply destroying. While Aziz's companions repented in their monstrous state and were restored, Aziz reveled in it, and set out on his own to seek further revenge.

Shortly thereafter, while Aladdin and companions were away, he took over Agrabah, turning everyone in the city into slugs. Once they returned, he began using his powers to lead Aladdin and Rasoul on a merry run through the palace; however, his increasing powers also began to take their toll, as Aziz became increasingly aflame. Ultimately, Aladdin and Rasoul figured out what was happening, and drove Aziz to overuse his powers; he burst into flame and streaked into the sky, becoming a new star and fulfilling his true destiny.

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