Warlock the Wizard

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Warlock the Wizard is a male comic superhero that features in Fawcett Comics.




Warlock the Wizard was a male spellcaster who was the last of the White Magicians where he became dedicated to life and destroying evil as well as black magic. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) He developed a reputation as a magician with some people being aware of his existence and power. (Nickel Comics v1 #2)

By a mountain side, he noticed a woman by the name of Joan Scott who had been captured by a vampire serving Baron Gath where he saved her from the black magician. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) The wizard later encountered the woman Valya in the forest whose family line had been cursed with the demon Kor Deno Lord of the Black Kingdom killing anyone that was close to her. This jealous demon was known to had snatched away her nurse when she was a child and prevented her from marrying her love. After a battle, Warlock believed he had slain the demon but afterwards the creature returned to kidnap Valya along with her love. But as soon as Warlock has left them alone, the two young lovers are snatched by a giant birdlike flying monster, and flown away. The Wizard sends his raven Hugin to find the demon's lair, and follows for several miles thru the woods. In the midst of an old graveyard, Warlock sees a half-ruined abbey, built a century before, and now abandoned and desolate. The gravestones expand and form a complicated maze, imprisoning Warlock, who pulls out a large spool of thread, and it unwinds itself, rolling thru the maze, guiding Warlock out of it. When he reaches the abbey, a strange gnomish old man comes forth and accosts him. He calls himself Simon the Hermit and claims to have lived in the abbey for years. Simon opens a concealed trap door and leads Warlock down a winding stairway thru the rock, reaching a big flaming threshold, the gateway to the Black Kingdom. They leap in thru the flames, and wend thru a forest of huge misshapen toadstools, until an army of phantom warriors appears overhead, brandishing spears, which they fling at the two. The Wizard again conjures the big Golden Hand, and it deflects the spears. The warriors vanish. The Wizard and the Hermit reach a cliff, with a rope ladder hanging down from it. Warlock immediately starts climbing down. He's attacked by a vulture AND the rope breaks, so he grabs the vulture by the feet and by the beak, and uses it for a parachute, safely reaching the ground. Here there are a bunch of still-alive statues, including Jim and Valya, and a big door with "Kor Deno" painted on it. (Nickel Comics v1 #2)

He later attended a charity magical show where he performed for he benefit of war refugees. During the performance, a millionaire by the name of Mr. Mack attempted to commit suicide with Warlock saving him through the Golden Hand. He then discovered a number of millionaires had been hypnotised and then committed suicide but had before their deaths given away their fortunes to the Trenk Foundation. Upon confronting Trenk, Warlock managed to evade several employees of the Foundation that sought to kill him. He then confronted Trenk who deceived Warlock by pretending to be an innocent man in a wheel chair before he used the power of the Red Diamond taken from an Indian statue that had hypnotic abilities. Trenk had the millionaire Mr. Mack and Warlock commanded to commit suicide but the wizard's raven Hugin brought the Lamp of the Gods that was lighted thus freeing him from the hypnosis. Once freed, he confronted Mr. Trenk and defeated him thus thwarting his criminal venture. (Nickel Comics v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

He wore a medallion over his neck that had the letter 'W' on it. (Nickel Comics v1 #1)

Warlock fought an eternal battle against the forces of evil. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) He fought with keen wisdom, strength and courage to defeat the forces of sorcery and crime. Warlock was always ready to help the friendless and needy. (Nickel Comics v1 #2)

Powers and abilities

As a white magician, he was a wielder of white magic that was harmful to those that used black magic. The wizard carried with him a small magic staff that was the Golden Hand and resembled a golden clenched fist with much of his magic embedded within it. To activate it, it simply needed to shout the word of power namely Abraxas whereupon the enchanted hand slowly opened. It transformed into a giant golden hand that he could command to achieve various tasks such as grabbing fully grown humans that could be brought to him from a distance or turning into a fist to punch a target such as individuals or smash through walls. Alternatively, the word of power could be used to achieve a number of spells such as manifesting traps to attack a target. It could also be used to manifest objects such as domes of super-hard steel as shields against attackers. Warlock could even use it to transform enemies into other objects such as turning a gargoyle into a balloon. Though most of his power lay in the staff, he was able to utilise some elements of magic even without it but he could not achieve the same feats as those with the Golden Hand. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) He was capable of casting spells with other magical words such as uttering the phrase Hecate Magna Mater that could transform objects into something else such as a knife into an ice cream cone. (Nickel Comics v1 #4)

Warlock also had with him a range of mystical artifacts at his home. Among these was the Lamp of the Gods with the mystical relic being able to summon the power of gods such as Thor, Lord of the Thunderbolt. From there, the wizard could access the deity's hammer which he could then throw at his enemies which could kill them. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) Its power when lighted could also remove other mystical effects such as hypnosis affecting Warlock thus freeing him from such enchantments. (Nickel Comics v1 #4)

He was also accompanied by a wise raven named Hugin who guided his steps in finding evil. (Nickel Comics v1 #1) Hugin was capable of speech and was able to talk to Warlock. (Nickel Comics v1 #2) It could lead him to targets and warn him of danger or retrieve objects for him. Using his word of power, the wizard could turn Hugin into a much larger form to attack dangerous targets such as eating giant spiders. (Nickel Comics v1 #1)


  • Warlock the Wizard was created by an unknown writer and artist where he made his first appearance in Nickel Comics v1 #1 (May, 1940).
  • Since his creation, the character had not appeared in DC Comics after they acquired Fawcett Comics characters.


  • Nickel Comics v1:

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