Mano (DC)

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Mano is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





Mano was a male mutant inhabitant of the polluted world Angtu where he lived in the 30th century.

Hating his people for mistreating him, Mano decided to destroy them all by touching the ground, and, "straining his power to the utmost", he obliterated his planet, causing it to explode.

Considered one of the worst murderers in the galaxy, Mano was recruited by the Legion themselves to help defeat the Sun-Eater, after which he continued his criminal career, mainly as a member of the Fatal Five.

Post-Zero Hour

Following the Zero Hour, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Mano was an inhabitant whose population was already dead as a result of chemical weaponry.

He then sought revenge on the industrialist Leland McCauley, who had sold the weapons. While Mano later became a more conventional supervillain, his priority remained revenge on McCauley, and he continued to disapprove of the destruction of innocents, something that sometimes set him against the other members of the Five.


Personality and attributes

He came to hate the people of his world for their mistreatment of him.

Powers and abilities

Mano was a mutant born with the power to disintegrate anything that he touches with his right hand that was powered by his anti-matter touch. The conditions of his homeworld meant that he must wear an environment suit because he can not breathe the atmosphere of most other planets. The suit's helmet obscured his face so that it can only be seen as a silhouette.


  • Mano was created by Jim Shooter and Curt Swan where he made his first appearance in Adventure Comics v1 #352 (January, 1967).

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, Mano appeared in the animated television series set in the DC Animated Universe where he was shown in episode "Far From Home" with no-voiced lines.
  • In Legion of Super Heroes, Mano appeared in the animated television series as a regular antagonist where he was voiced by actor Phil Morris.


  • In Justice League vs. the Fatal Five, Mano appeared in the 2019 animated film where he was voiced by actor Philip Anthony Rodriguez. He was shown to be the lover of the Emerald Empress where he participated in the Fatal Five's attack on the Legion of Super-Heroes. In the fighting, the Emerald Empress and Validus were captured whilst their comrades managed to escape. The Emerald Empress through a telepathic link revealed to Mano that she and Validus had been imprisoned in the present day in the Sciencells on Oa where she made Mano along with the Fatal Five to free her.


  • Adventure Comics v1: (1967)
  • Legion of Super-Heroes:

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