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Narsil is a sword that features in Lord of the Rings.




Narsil was an ancient Numenoreans blade belonging to Elendil, King of Gondor. The sword was forged "in the deeps of time", probably during the First Age, by Telchar, who was likely the famed Dwarven-smith of Nogrod of the same name who made swords for the armories of King Thingol in Menegroth.

Nothing is said of Narsil during the Second Age until it eventually came into the hands of Elendil towards the close of the Second Age.

Elendil carried Narsil in the Battle of Dagorlad where it shone with the light of the Sun and Moon, and then in the Siege of Barad-dûr; but Sauron killed him and the sword broke into two pieces under him as he fell, and its light was extinguished. Elendil's son Isildur took up the sword and used its shard to cut the One Ring from the hand of Sauron. When Elendil clashed with Sauron, the blade shattered, and Isildur used the broken blade to cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand. Isildur took the shards home with him. Shortly before Isildur was killed in the second year of the Third Age in the Disaster of the Gladden Fields, the shards were rescued by Ohtar, esquire of Isildur. He took them to Rivendell, where Isildur's youngest son Valandil was fostered, but Elrond foretold that it wouldn't be reforged until the One Ring was found again and Sauron returned.

The shards of Narsil passed through the heirs of Isildur to Aragorn, and was reforged into the blade Anduril during the War of the Ring.


In appearance, Narsil was an ancient sword of Numeronean design created long ago to be wielded by the King.

During a clash against Sauron, the blade was shattered in two pieces and would remain broken until it was reforged.


  • Telchar :
  • Isildur :
  • Aragorn :


  • Narsil was created by J. R. R. Tolkien where it featured in the setting of the Middle-earth universe.

In other media



  • In The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Narsil made multiple appearances in the shared continuity setting:
    • In The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Narsil made its first action appearance in live-action film. During a flashback, the blade was shown to had severed the One Ring from Sauron's hand.


  • The Lord of the Rings:

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