Photon (Marvel)

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Photon is the name used by several characters in the Marvel Universe.



Photon (Monica Rambeau)

Main Article: Monica Rambeau

Monica Rambeau was a female African-American woman born in the modern age as the daughter of Maria Rambeau and Frank Rambeau where she was raised at her family's home in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Avengers v1 #246)

As a lieutenant in the New Orleans Harbor Patrol, she came to operate as a cargo ship where she was on duty in trying to prevent the creation of a dangerous weapon by a criminal scientist. In this mission, she came to be bombarded by extra-dimensional energy that was responsible for giving her superpowers. Finding herself back to New Orleans, she came to design herself a super-hero costume by combining pieces of Mardi Gras outfits from a storage warehouse. With her new powers, she returned to the oil rig where she rescued LeClare and preventing the disruptor from damaging the fabric of the universe. Her actions caught the attention of the media, which referred to her as Captain Marvel. Finally a captain by her own merit, Rambeau decided to resign from the navy. Weeks later, Captain Marvel visited New York City, seeking Reed Richards' help to keep her power levels stable. There, she was spotted by Spider-Man, whose spider-sense led him to believe she might pose a threat. At the Baxter Building, the Thing suggested her to contact the Avengers since Richards was not available. In the Avengers Mansion, after clearing up a brief misunderstanding with Spider-Man, Captain Marvel was finally assisted by Iron Man, who siphoned the excessive energy from her body. (Amazing Spider-Man Annual v1 #16)

When the son of the original Captain Marvel, Genis-Vell, publicly adopted the name Captain Marvel to honor his father's legacy, he caught Rambeau's attention. (Captain Marvel v3 #2) The two Marvels finally met when Rambeau was brainwashed and kidnapped by the super-villain known as the Controller, being forced to attack Starfox and Genis-Vell in Titan. Even though Rambeau was not in full control of her actions, she wisely summoned other Avengers to assist her, expecting them to stop the battle and free her. As the Vision released Rambeau from the Controller's influence as she had wished, the Avengers chased down and defeated the villain. Agreeing to concede the Captain Marvel title to Genis-Vell, Monica Rambeau adopted the alias Photon, a named that was suited to her abilities. (Avengers: Unplugged v1 #5)

Photon (Genis-Vell)

Main Article: Genis-Vell

Genis-Vell was the male offspring of Elysius of Titan and Captain Mar-Vell. His parents were noted to had been brief lovers until Mar-Vell's death leaving his mother grieving his demise. She wanted desperately to keep a part of him alive and accessed his DNA from Titan's central computer ISAAC where the genetic data was used to help her conceive his child. Prior to his death, Mar-Vell had requested Eros to care for Elysius and he came to be the adoptive father of her son who was named Genis. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

Photon (Jason Dean)

Main Article: Jason Dean



  • The concept of Photon was created by Glenn Herdling and M.C. Wyman where it made its first appearance in Avengers: Unplugged v1 #5 (June, 1996).

Alternate Versions


  • Avengers: Unplugged v1: (1996)

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