Yoma (Claymore)

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Yoma are a shapeshifting demonic race that features in the Claymore series.




Awakened Beings.

Yoma were creatures that were created by the Organization's experimentation with the flesh of the Awakened Asarakam. Through such studies, they managed to create a parasite with transformation abilities with this being used to infect the brains of unsuspecting human hosts. The result of this infection turned normal humans into shapeshifting creatures that desired to consume human flesh and became known as Yoma. This line of experimentation also led to the creation of the Claymore organization of warriors to combat them. The truth of the Yoma's origins and their ties to the Organization were largely unknown to the general populace or even to most Claymores. According to a Yoma, they had hunted humanity for centuries and considered themselves higher up the food chain. From the first generation, the top ranked warrior when they awakened became the most powerful of their kind and were known as the Abyssal Ones with at least three forming. The first being the male Claymore Isley who was followed by the female Claymore Riful and the third being Luciela who was a failed experiment made by the Organization. These three Creatures of the Abyss would each settle in their own territory with borders that by chance did not cross over one another. Isley would settle in the North, Riful in the West and Luciela in the South.


An Awakened Being unleashing their Yoki.

In appearance, the forms of the Yoma tended to vary but appeared as monstrous humanoids with distorted demonic features. In their true state, common traits included golden cat-like eyes, razor sharp teeth and claws, muscular elongated limbs, along with purple blood and darker unnatural skin tones. Among some varieties, they were known to possess wings and the ability to fly making them particularly dangerous. This species had an intense desire to feed on human flesh and blood with a particular focus on internal organs that they consumed. Upon being transformed, these former humans gained shape shifting abilities that allowed them to retain human features giving them the capacity to hide among towns and villages without being discovered by normal individuals. This was achieved by consuming the brain of their prey allowing them to integrate the memories and thoughts of the person allowing a Yoma to shape their body as a loved family member without anyone suspecting. Such was their mimicry that they were able to replicate the speech patterns and had memories of the host brain. Some lingering traces of the thoughts and feelings of the victim remained within the Yoma with the creature sometimes having tears in their eyes as the consumed individual attempted to fight the beast to save loved ones. When needed, they were able to transform into more monstrous form which they tended to do so when their true nature was discovered or when they cornered prey. According to a Yoma, it took a great deal of self-control to challenge their instincts to consume prey when they were infiltrating a town. Yoma had strength and speed far above that of humans with a natural regenerative powers that healed their wounds at incredible speeds.

The longer they lived and the more humans they devoured led to the Yoma growing stronger in their lifespan. This led to a special category of more powerful Yoma being referred to as Voracious Eaters that were more cunning and their appetite grew in time. Such specimens were much stronger and dangerous than their average kin. However, in reality, the term Voracious Eater was more of a code name used by the Organization to refer to the much more powerful Awakened Beings. Awakened Beings were incredibly powerful Yoma whose origins were actually traced to the Claymores. They consisted of those Claymores who had surpassed their Yoki limit and succumbed to their Yoma side. When this happened, the Claymore did not gradually change but sometimes experienced a quick transformation. Sometimes, the Claymore either killed themselves or had others kill them whilst they were still human but on others they transformed into a deadly Awakened Being who turned against their allies as well as started to devour humans. Among Awakened Beings, there existed an even more special class of Yoma that consisted of formerly top ranked Claymores. These former Number One's in the Organizations Claymore succumbed to their Yoma side and turned into particularly powerful Awakened Beings known as Creatures of the Abyss.

Normally, Yoma preferred to work alone and thus it was unusual to see them work in a group. Powerful Awakened Beings were able to organize lower ranked Yoma to make them more knowledgeable of enemy tactics such as Claymores and make them quite coordinated.

The three Creatures of the Abyss.


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  • Yōma (妖魔) was a Japanese word for monster.


  • Claymore:

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