17th Century BC
From Multiversal Omnipedia
- Dungeons and Dragons (Dark Sun): c. 1642 BC (147th King's Age - King's Slumber (Y74)). The last kobolds on Athas are eliminated by Sacha of Arala, First Champion of Rajaat. ("Timeline of Athas" from Wizards of the Coast)
- Dungeons and Dragons (Forgotten Realms): c. 1642 BC (c. -1900 DR, c. 1960 NY). Beholder nations around the Lake of Steam begin to regularly attack the Caltazar Hills. (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3rd Edition))
- Dungeons and Dragons (Greyhawk): c. 1621 BC (-2659 CY, 1 BH). Baklunish Hegira dating begins. (Living Greyhawk Gazetteer)
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