Charred Council
The Charred Council is an organization that features in Darksiders
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The Charred Council was an ancient triumvirate of beings that had existed since the dawn of time when the armies of Heaven and Hell waged a constant battle for supremacy. Being drawn to the conflict, the Council was an entity that was bound by ancient laws to preserve order and safeguard the Balance between the two sides. It held that any power that was left unchecked would threaten the very fabric of existence. In time, both the White City and the Dark Kingdom came to honor the laws of the Council. Eons ago, the greatest danger posed to existence was from the Nephilim who sought to conquer all of Creation for themselves until four of their number came to the Charred Council where they agreed to serve as their enforcers in exchange for the power to defeat their kin. Thus, this quartet of warrior Nephilim came to serve as their enforcers of the Balance and became known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse which consisted of Death, War, Strife and Fury. One of the great threats that they were dispatched to defeat were the Seven Deadly Sins who were imprisoned by the Charred Council. During this turbulent era, the first humans emerged into existence in the Third Kingdom known as Earth. The Charred Council foretold that this weak race of cunning mortals played an important role in the Balance. Thus, the third kingdom was named the Kingdom of Man and by order of the Council; a truce was forged between Heaven and Hell with the great pact being bound by the Seven Seals. These were to be broken at the appointed time when Man's kingdom stood ready for the Endwar; a battle that would bring forth the Balance and ultimately decide the fate of the three kingdoms. In order to protect them, the Seals were hidden in order to await the appoint time when they were to be broken whereupon the call would be heard by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Shortly after the Nephilim's defeat, the Council became aware of plots emerging from the Demons of Hell. They had heard that Sammael was in talks with Lucifer with their conspiracy threatening the balance. To stop this threat, the Charred Council gathered War and Strife with the task of stopping the demons from succeeding in their goals.
At some point, they came to learn of a conspiracy created by the Angel Abaddon who alongside his accomplices sought to trigger the Apocalypse so that he could launch a pre-emptive attack against Hell. At first, the Council considered sending the Horsemen but determined that without proof of the plot that their enforcers would instead commit mass murder instead of an execution. Such an act would be a critical offense to the riders sense of honour and instead decided to sent one of the Horsemen to be framed for prematurely triggering the Apocalypse thus hiding the true nature of the conspiracy. By the modern age, the Horsemen War was seemingly called upon the Earth when the Endwar was declared leading to the armies of Heaven and Hell instigating the apocalypse on Earth. However, the Seventh Seal was not broken and only War was present on the scene leading to many to believe that he acted beyond his post leading to the instigation of a premature apocalypse. As such, following the death of Abaddon, the Charred Council had War brought before them in order to be punished. They placed the blame on War stating that no call had been given and that the Destroyer marched on Earth with the Horseman under his banner. As such, they declared that he broke the sacred covenant thus tipping the Balance and dooming Mankind as a result over the course of a century. Whilst the Council were ready to punish War, he asked to be sent back to Earth in order to hunt down the true perpetrators of this act. The Charred Council agreed but put the Watcher in charge of ensuring War's loyalty in his quest whereupon they sent him back to the Earth that was now populated by the armies of the Destroyer after the defeat of the Hellguard.
At the same time, they summoned Fury to handle the threat of the Seven Deadly Sins who had been released from their imprisonment. Unknown to most, the Sins were freed by the Council who intended for them to be eliminated and also to use this as an opportunity to destroy the Horsemen.
The exact appearance of the Council was not known except that they were embodied by three large statues that spoke in deep voices. It was shown that they had incredibly power at their disposal allowing them to send fireballs against intruders that entered into their chambers or work in unison to destroy beings that were equal to the power of a Horseman. However, it was also said that they were so used to commanding others that they knew not how to properly fight an enemy facing them.
It was said that the Council was the only force able to hold the warring factions at bay alongside their fearsome servants. They were known to be the ultimate arbiter of both Heaven and Hell with the Four Horsemen being their enforcers. As they served the Balance, the Charred Council was not adverse to evil and in fact embraced it as part of their duty in order uphold their mission. This meant that the Nephilim were not their only agents as evil and spiteful sprites such as the Watcher were worrying examples of the tolerance they held for agents of their will. These servants of the Council were known to enjoy the protection of their benefactors who were quick to slay any that killed these followers of their will. Due to their role, the Charred Council were steadfast in their belief in maintaining the Law. Namely that when the Seventh Seal was broken, the Four Horsemen would ride in order to punish the wicked; this was regardless of whether they were Sons of Men, Lords of Heaven or the Dregs of Hell. All upon the Earth were to be judged and the pact was to be forged anew.
The Charred Council were responsible for creating the shadowy race of beings known as Watchers. These entities were used as spies and dispatched to observe select individuals by the Council. Amongst the greatest agents of the Council were the Horsemen who served as the prime enforcers of the Balance.
- The Charred Council featured in the setting of the Darksiders universe.
- Darksiders:
- Darksiders II:
- Darksiders III:
- Darksiders: Genesis:
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