Ethan Warren (Marvel)

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Lt. Ethan Warren vs. Wolverine in Logan v1 #3.

Ethan Warren is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.



Ethan Warren

He came to serve in the U.S. Army during World War II where he came to rise to the rank of Lieutenant. During the war, he and his squadron were supposed to sink a light cruiser at Kure Harbor but had to abandon their mission after coming under fire from the shore batteries. This resulted in half his comrades being killed whilst Warren and the others came to be captured by the Japanese where he spent 3 months at a labour camp. During this time, the remaining members of his squadron came to die from conditions in the camp before he was placed in a cell at a military science base at Hiroshima somewhere on the mainland. In this time, he was joined by another prisoner named Logan who was from the Canadian First Parachute Battalion. Logan came to sense the guards coming to their cell which he used as an opportunity to escape with Warren joining him in the attempt. After killing the guards, they fled the base where they stumbled on a Japanese farmer who was passing by the bridge. She was startled by them with Logan wanting to depart the scene but Ethan wanted to kill her as he saw all Japanese as being the enemy that needed to be killed. This led to Logan turning him gun on Warren to stop him and be thought the Canadian was a spy working for the enemy. Ethan was forced to leave the civilian alone with him and Logan parting ways in that moment. However, Ethan secretly followed Logan who had the farmer girl with him where she invited him to her place to hide in gratitude for his actions. (Logan v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

He was shown to have hated the Japanese and believed them to be inhuman. Ethan saw them all as enemies and was willing to kill civilians. (Logan v1 #1)

Powers and abilities


  • Ethan Warren was created by Brian K. Vaughan Eduardo Risso where he made his first appearance in Logan v1 #1 (May, 2008).


  • Logan v1: (2008)

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