Fallen (Destiny)
The Fallen are an alien race that features in Destiny.
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The Fallen were an alien species of insectoid humanoids that referred to themselves as the Eliksni that were native to the planet Riis. Long ago, they encountered the Traveler who they called the Great Machine and lived in an age where they ruled themselves along with their future as kings. This time was noted for Ether running free for them until a terrible event known as the Whirlwind came to pass that destroyed their civilization. In its aftermath, the surviving members of the Fallen engaged in a terrible civil war over the remains of their society. Following the conflict, a tenuous peace came to peace whereupon the Fallen departed for space in their search for the Traveler in order to bring their civilization back to greatness once again.
They had arrived in the Solar System in the wake of the Collapse onboard their massive Ketches in order to loot and pillage the devastated worlds. The Fallen had sought to claim the Great Machine that now resided on Earth At the Battle of Twilight Gap, Fallen Walkers engaged in an artillery duel with the City's gun positions. In time, a tense peace was achieved by the Reef where the Awoken came to give carved political gifts to the Eliksni with the Amethyst space station being made as a trading site. The House of Wolves were a Fallen clan that battled with the Reef in a conflict known as the Reef Wars at the Solar System's asteroid belt. Early in the conflict, the Amethyst station was destroyed by the Fallen. Skolas crafted brutal tactics in order to inflict the most damage against the Awoken such as using Pilot Servitors in suicide attacks. In time, the Fallen House of Wolves were defeated whereupon their ranks were absorbed into the personal guard of the Awoken Queen. Variks went on to crown Queen Mara Sov of The Reef as the new Kell of Wolves, with many Wolves bending the knee to her.
In the wake of Twilight Gap, the House of Devils was ruled by Riksis, Devil Archon. Riksis met a sudden and unexpected end at the hands of a newly risen Guardian while attempting to track down a missing warp drive. With the Devils Archon dead, this opened up the way for a fireteam of Guardians to attack the The Devils' Lair and destroy their Prime Servitor Sepiks Prime. With Sepiks' destruction, the Devils were now effectively leaderless. During a mission in the Hellmouth on The Moon, Guardians were caught in the middle of a House of Exile raid against the Hive. Leading the raid was Frigoris, Exiled Baron, who became a priority target due to his station in the Exiles, and was dispatched by the Guardian. The Vanguard received word that Wintership Simiks-Fel was on the surface of Venus, and began a mission to assassinate Draksis, Winter Kell of the House of Winter. Fighting through Draksis' Kell's Guard, a Guardian made their way onto the Fallen Ketch and faced Draksis in his throne room, killing him and beheading Winter's Leadership. Afterward, perhaps as an attempt to replace Draksis, Winter enlisted Taniks, the Scarred to break into the Prison of Elders and retrieve Aksor, Archon Priest. However, a fireteam of Guardians quickly ended him and the Fallen which broke him out, leaving them leaderless. Later, the Hive general Omnigul would lead a fireteam of Guardians through House of Kings Territory in an attempt to stop them from hunting her. Phyksin, King Baron personally attempted to stop the Guardians, but was killed in the resulting battle.
Initiated by the return of Skolas, now calling himself the Kell of Kells, the House of Wolves rebelled against the Awoken. The Wolf Rebellion started with an assassination attempt on The Queen and a mass prison break from the Prison of Elders where most of the former Wolf nobility was being held. The Queen opened the Reef to Guardians of the City, with the intent of recruiting them to put an end to the rebellion. The Guardians tracked Skolas to Venus, but were unable to capture Skolas and he was able to gain a number of the Winter's allegiance. Traveling to Earth, Skolas sought to gain the allegiance of the House of Devils and the House of Kings. While he set loose the Silent Fang to kill off the Devils remaining leaders, he sent one of his Barons, Yavek to negotiate with the Kell of Kings. However, the Guardians intervened as they killed a large number of Silent Fang assassins and killed Yavek and two King Barons, Paskin and Vekis. Skolas returned to Venus once more, where the Guardian encountered him attempting to wield stolen Vex tech in order to pull the House of Wolves through time, only to be subdued and captured. The Queen then began her Queen's Wrath by placing bounties on Wolf nobility such as Beltrik, the Veiled and Drevis, Wolf Baroness. Taniks, the Scarred was also hired by the Wolves to plunder the Hellmouth and steal from the dark. However, a fireteam of Guardians arrived to kill him, pursuing the mercenary through his Ketch before meeting his end. Later on the order of the Queen, Skolas was sent to the Prison of Elders, where he was pitted against the same Guardians who captured him and was executed, effectively ending the Wolf Rebellion.
During the SIVA Crisis, members of the House of Wolves had unleashed the Golden Age technology thus transforming themselves into a powerful threat. A number of these Fallen had begun using the technology in an attempt to control the Hive on Earth.
During the Red War, a new faction of Fallen began to make themselves known with these sporting banners previously unseen by the Guardians.
A later, the Guardian and Cayde-6 journeyed to the Reef to investigate unrest that was gathering there where they were ambushed by Uldren who came to head the seven Barons of the Scorn. During this encounter, Uldren was responsible for killing Cayde-6 with his death outraging the Guardian who defied the Vanguard to hunt down the Scorn in order to avenge his friend. Around this time, the House of Dusk began to fight the Scorn that began a new civil war among the Eliksni race.
Sometime afterwards, the House of Dusk began to conduct salvage operations along with raids on the Moon after learning of renewed Hive activity. This saw them being caught in the midst of a conflict between the Guardians, Hive and the Nightmares created by an aspect of the Darkness hidden deep beneath Luna. These Nightmares took the form of a number of notorious Fallen that had plagued the Solar System where they attacked their enemies until their corporeal forms were banished by the Guardians.
On Europa, the Kell of Darkness Eramis had taken her faction of Fallen to form the House of Salvation where they sought to harness the power of Darkness that gave them the ability to manipulate stasis. With this power, she plotted to rebuild Eliksni civilisation and take revenge against the Traveler as well as the inhabitants of the Last City. Variks came to see the dangerous path his former comrade was taking and stole the Splinter of Darkness from her and fled to Europa where he attempted to warn the Last City about her actions. He was then surrounded by Eliksni forces where they attempted to kill him but he was saved by the Young Wolf who set about putting a stop to Eramis's plans.
Around this time, the Hive god of war Xivu Arath started making forays into the Solar System where she deployed Cryptoliths that started to convert Eliksni and Cabal into her Wrathborn. These mutated beings served in her army where they turned against their former comrades.
Afterwards, the Vex began to stir and they began targeting the House of Light leading to Mithrax sending a distress signal whilst he took survivors of his clan to Europa. They were saved by the timely arrival of the Young Wolf with Ikora Rey offering the House of Light shelter in the Last City. Mithrax came to accept this offer where the set their encampment below the Traveller and set about establishing a stable supply of Ether production.
In appearance, the race were a hard race of humanoids able to survive in a range of environments without the need for heavy armor or modifications to their forms. They were notable for their four arms and mandibles that parted when they spoke. Typically, the Fallen wore a helmet that had built-in respiration mechanisms allowing them to operate in different atmospheres. Through unknown means, they were able to regrow limbs that were lost and the race had reddish purple blood. Eliksni were divided into both male and female genders.
A key substance for their existence was a material called Ether that they needed for continued survival that was produced by complex machines known as Servitors. It was that exposure to Ether was harmless to humans and had a vital role in their society. Ether was responsible not just for nutrition but allowed for moulting allowing the Eliksni to mature into their more evolved forms. Higher ranking Fallen received a greater portion of Ether that impacted their growth making them grow larger. Those deprived of Ether came to be underdeveloped and weak with many lacking in their full limbs as they could not moult. When killed, Ether was shown to escape the body of a Fallen as their forms dissipated.
Among the ranks of the Fallen include:
- Dreg : the lowest rung in their society who were docked of their lower arms in a ritual of humiliation and obedience. They sought to prove their worth though only a few survived to gain promotion and regrowth of their limbs which meant Dregs having a suicidal bravery that was fueled by ambition and shame.
- Vandal : seasoned regulars who served as soldiers, brawlers, assassins and scouts along with other skilled roles with them being seasoned, efficient killers with an arsenal of weapons along with technology to match their bloodlust.
- Stealth Vandals : theses Fallen were cloaked and were armed with a pair of swords where they engaged their foes in melee combat.
- Wretch : a two armed Fallen who were armed with long Arc Spears where they attempted to stab and slice enemies with them.
- Marauders : a type of assassin who used cloaking to get close to their target and struck with their dual shock blades.
- Splicers : tinkerers, bio-engineers and scientists that were devoted to the evolution of their species that operated as a secret collective in a Fallen House. Their purpose was unravelling of biological and mechanical truths with them tearing into systems to reveal their value either as tools of survival or as advancements worthy of their reverence and deification.
- Captain :
- Baron : these were noble captains that led their respective flotilla of Fallen Skiffs and Ketches.
- Archon : Archon's would convey the wishes of the Kell to the Prime Servitor and exerted some control over these machines.
- Kell : they still claimed to be royalty. The death of the Kell would see the House falling upon itself in in-fighting. The lifespan of a Kell was short which was why they used Enforcers to enforce discipline among their warriors. Special Guards were also raised from birth that were filled with Ether and brainwashed to obey the orders of the Kell. A Kell of a House controlled and distributed the supply of Ether which they did so through their own personal Cipher.
Their kind were noted for being brutal, uncaring and ruthless scavengers. It was said that their species thrived in the darkness. Fallen society was divided into a number of groups known as Houses which by the time of their arrival in the Solar System did not show any friendly relations with one another. Each had their own unique encryptions for their communication systems in order to maintain security.
Back on their homeworld, the Eliksni were said to had plentiful supplies of Ether that was provided to all of their kind. This allowed all of them to evolve into their final form but after the Whirlwind the process of Ether rationing began which was used as a method of control in their society.
In terms of structure, these Houses included:
- House of Exile :
- House of Kings :
- House of Winter :
- House of Wolves : an independent House who's Kell was killed by the Queen of the Reef whereupon a number of them swore loyalty to the Awoken Queen and resided as part of her personal guard. A subgroup within the House were the Silent Fang that served as elite personal assassins of Drevis.
- House of Devils :
- House of Judgment : one of the oldest Fallen Houses that decided to hold no Ketch but instead live amongst the other Houses in order to guide the Kells and ensure the rebirth of the Eliksni civilisation.
- House of Dusk :
- House of Rain : a Fallen House that was destroyed during the cataclysmic event of the Whirlwind.
- House of Light : an unofficial Fallen House created in the Solar System by Mithrax who believed that the Traveller belonged to humanity with them being somewhat allies of mankind. After being targeted by the Vex, they came to be offered shelter by the Vanguard where they were allowed an encampment in the Last City beneath the Traveller.
- House of Salvation : a new Fallen House that rallied under Eramis where they sought to harness the power of the Darkness on Europa.
- House of Spider : a criminal syndicate of independent Fallen led by the Spider.
Houses did not cope well with the loss of their leaders and worked well when they were under the command of a leader. It was said that they were a crafty people who always managed to survive. Fallen were always on the prowl and looking for new territory to claim. By the time of their arrival in the Sol System, the Fallen had become scavengers of the highest order. The Houses each used their own unique encryption as a means of communicating with one another.
A group of independent Fallen outside their societal system were the Scorn that consisted of Dregs that gathered together where their ranks consisted of undead revived Fallen that formed into a horde.
An ancient rite of passage was the Archon's Forge. Over time, the Fallen came to use stories of the Guardians of the Solar System as a story used to scare their young into following their elders.
Carved Amethysts gems were considered prized gifts to the Fallen Archons who admired their beauty.
It was said that no one knew technology more than the Fallen. Fallen are adept at scrapworking, and where others see piles of useless scraps, they can pull out powerful technological marvels. They also frequently co-opt the technologies of other races which they used to enhance themselves and their weaponry. However, despite the poor origin of their equipment, they still maintained a cohesive slick aesthetic, and did not disdain ornaments for their higher ranking members. Though their weapons and vehicles are mostly standardized, each House equips its members with unique designs of armor, clothing and equipments.
A central component vital to their existence was a substance known as Ether that was used to power their technology and could be found from organic compounds on the surface of asteroids.
Weapons of the Fallen included:
- Shock Dagger :
- Shock Blade :
- Shock Pistol :
- Shock Rifle :
- Shrapnel Launcher :
- Wire Rifle :
- Shock Grenade :
- Web Mines :
- Shock Cannon :
- Null Cannon :
The Fallen made active use of drone technology that accompanied them with these being known as Shanks. These small floating machines can go to places difficult for their masters with them being used for various roles such as scouting, guarding or patrolling. Numerous kinds of Shanks were developed that included:
- Repeater Shanks
- Exploder Shanks :
- Tracer Shanks :
Servitors were living relics of their civilization that were filled with ultra-sophisticated machinery that processed matter and energy into the Ether for the Fallen to use as it was their life's blood. They had an important support role for their society but also could engage in battle where they offered defensive systems along with powerful energy weapons. Beyond this trait, they anchored the Fallen's communication and provide vital technological acumen. These aspects of a Servitor meant that they had a complex relationship with one another and their Fallen crews. There were numerous types of Servitors that included:
- Pilot Servitors : used typically for manning the flight of ships ranging from crew transports to war barges. These machines coukd be modified to perform combat operations or used for suicide attacks.
- Ether Runners : a more powerful Servitor that were in charge of Ether resupplies.
- Prime Servitor : these massive versions of the machines had numerous other Servitors attached to them and had an important symbiotic role with the Archon who administered to its operations. Prime Servitors were a focus of worship and logistical activity with the possibility that they had a key role in Fallen star flight.
Fallen made use of hover-jet bikes known as Pikes that were armed with a pair of blasters in the front. A combat vehicle used by the Fallen were their insect-like Walkers that were mobile gun platforms deployed in offensive and defensive roles. These examples of old technology were heavily armored robotic warmachines that used advanced tracking systems allowing them to target multiple enemies with their forward repeaters and a massive main gun on top. Mine dispensers provided close defense against dismounted infantry and an on-board Shank foundry produced armed repair drones to fix any damage done to the Walker. Fallen often deployed these machines to provide overwatch for their salvage and extraction crews along with being used as blocking forces to guard key Fallen assets. Guardian strategy against these vehicles was targeting the legs whilst overloading the Walker and destroying the armored core when briefly vulnerable. Newer war machines came to be developed by the Fallen with these including the bipedal Brigs and the larger Siege Engine heavy demolition platforms.
Support craft used by the species included Skiffs that provided limited aerial control but typically deployed from larger ships in order to deploy infantry or vehicles on a planetary surface. Spacecraft that were used by the Fallen included the Ketch which were large vessels capable of atmospheric travel.
- Riksis :
- Draksis :
- Eksori : a Fallen Captain who was part of the House of Devils.
- Aksor : an Archon Priest of the House of Wolves who was imprisoned after his clan's defeat in the Prison of Elders at the Reef until freed by the House of Winter but he was killed by Guardians sent to eliminate him.
- Skolas : His entourage of inner circle were referred to as the Wolf Pack.
- Drevis : a female Fallen who was known as the Wolf Baroness who commanded elite assassins known as the Silent Fang.
- Taniks : a ruthless mercenary, Taniks the Scarred commanded the Ketch Wolfship Kaliks-Syn that attacked the Hellmouth on the Moon.
- Variks :
- Draksis : the Winter Kell was part of the House of Winter and was aboard his Ketch Kell Wintership Simiks-fel who had led countless raids against Vanguard convoys whilst being elusive to evade pursuit.
- Fikrul :
- Eramis :
- Mithrax :
- Eramis : the female Kell of Darkness was a former Baroness of the House of Devils until she left their ranks and became known as the Shipstealer where she formed the House of Salvation.
- Atraks-1 :
- Kridis :
- Phylaks :
- Praksis : the Technocrat was a male Fallen Baron who joined the House of Salvation where he became one of the most trusted lieutenants of Eramis where he was responsible for developing their new technology.
- The Spider : a Fallen that commanded a powerful criminal syndicate that as an ally to the Tower.
- Mithrax : the Forsaken was a male Fallen Baron who commanded the House of Light who still maintained faith in the Traveller where he saw the Guardians as allies.
- The Fallen were created by Bungie as one of the antagonistic alien races in Destiny.
- Much of the background was presented in the Grimoire Cards that were accessible from the Bungie website.
- Destiny:
- Destiny 2:
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