Gilgamesh (species)

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The Gilgamesh were a small group of Humans that featured in the anime Gilgamesh.




The Gilgamesh were embryos of the top scientists at the Heaven's Gate research facility. The embryo's were contaminated by the presence of an entity called Tear that had materialized in the base. However, before the experiments could be terminated, Doctor Terumichi Madoka came into direct contact with Tear resulting in an explosion. This in turn resulted in the Twin X event which engulfed the world.

Taking the embryo's that had been contaminated, Doctor Madoka escaped and took on the name Enkindu with the world believing him to be a terrorist that orchestrated the Twin X event. The ten children he had cultivated grew up into what was called the Gilgamesh who saw Enkindu as a father figure and referred to him as the Professor. Their goal was simple which was to wipe the Human race out in a Cleansing Flood and replace the Human race with a new more powerful successor which they saw in themselves.

They were tasked by the Professor with also finding his two children in order to use them in his goal at recreating the world. Due to this, they came into conflict with the OGRA organization and its Countess.


Gilgamesh were created through genetic engineering which resulted in them being half humand and half god as well as being composed of anti-matter. They were also at times referred to as God Beasts due to their secondary nature. In their normal form, they resembled young humans and seemed harmless but they were far stronger and capable of great feats such as psychic attacks, flight and great strengths allowing them to easily level buildings.

They were capable of morphing into their second form which was much more monstrous to behold. A momentary change resulted in the former Human shape transforming into a large creature with a bony carapace, skeletal looking demonic head and wings. In this form, they were much stronger and their frightening visage was enough to cause Humans to faint from the shock of seeing them.

The greatest strength of these genetically altered Humans was their capacity to manipulate the energy known as Dynamis; a psychic phenomena that was plaguing the world. This allowed them to manipulate objects with their mind, creating balls of energy to strike at their foes. They were capable of moving at high speeds that were beyond normal Human vision, phasing through solid matter as well as levitate above the ground to the point that they flew across their environments.

Due to their composition being made of anti-matter, it was clear that they were not made from substances native to the Earth. Despite such a feat meaning that it would exist in the normal universe, it was revealed that their cells had molecules of anti-matter which in turn were encoded with matter making their skin remarkably tough. It was said that they appeared as if they were created from something from another universe.

Their regenerative abilities were highly advanced allowing a Gilgamesh to survive loss of limbs and grow new ones given enough time. Infact, severed limbs such as wings were capable of levitating under their own power and emit energy fields that were able to break glass around them. Furthermore, they were able to move about their environment and attack enemies as well as demonstrate normal Gilgamesh traits such as high speed, phasing, psychic blasts and splitting into an energy attack before reforming in order to continue their assault. A sufficiently strong Dynamis attack was, however, capable of destroying the limb and liquefying it.


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