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Melisandre is a female character who features in A Song of Ice and Fire.





As a slave called Melony of Lot Seven, Melisandre was sold to a red temple at an early age. In that time, she learned the Common Tongue, High Valyrian, and the tongue of Asshai. Melisandre came to practice her art for years beyond count.

At the crossroads inn Lord Tywin Lannister tells his son Tyrion that according to one of the rumors Lord Varys has heard, Lord Stannis Baratheon is bringing a shadowbinder from Asshai to Dragonstone.

Melisandre resided at Dragonstone, where she has converted Lady Selyse Florent to the faith of R'hllor. She was feared by most of the servants, who call her 'the red woman' as they do not dare to say her name. Melisandre believes that Stannis fulfills an ancient prophecy from Asshai, and was Azor Ahai reborn. Determined to stop Melisandre's 'madness' from spreading beyond Dragonstone, Stannis's maester, Cressen, proposes a toast between himself and Melisandre, using poisoned wine. Melisandre drinks most of the wine and remains unharmed, but Cressen dies drinking the remaining fluid. Although Stannis was not as committed to R'hllor as his wife and the queen's men in his court, Melisandre convinces him to burn the statues of the Seven from the castle sept of Dragonstone in sacrifice to R'hllor. Outside of Dragonstone's gates, Melisandre proclaims Stannis to be Azor Ahai reborn and has him pull a burning sword from the fire, declaring it to be the legendary sword Lightbringer. He eventually creates a new sigil for himself, the fiery heart of the Lord of Light. In King's Landing, Lord Petyr Baelish reminds the small council that some years past, Varys had reported that Selyse had taken up with a red priest. The councilors decide to use Melisandre's religion and the greyscale of Princess Shireen Baratheon to discredit Stannis. Stannis's brother Renly, Lord of Storm's End, has also declared himself king, and has gathered the support from most stormlanders and men from the Reach. When Stannis sets sail from Dragonstone to besiege Storm's End, Melisandre accompanies him. She urges Stannis to meet with Renly and give him a last chance to swear his loyalty to Stannis. During the meeting, she serves as Stannis's standard bearer.[14] Melisandre had previously seen Renly's death in her flames, and outside the walls of Storm's End creates a shadow assassin looking like Stannis which kills Renly the morning he is to march to battle against Stannis.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Melisandre was a female human with long hair the color of deep burnished copper, unsettling red eyes, and pale, unblemished skin. The priestess had a slender figure where she was graceful, and taller than most knights. Melisandre had full breasts, a narrow waist, and a heart-shaped face. It was said that she was regarded as beautiful to many people.

Powers and abilities

She was a Shadowbinder who were practitioners of magic able to binds shadows to do their will.


  • Melisandre was created by George R. R. Martin's where she featured in the setting of the A Song of Ice and Fire universe.

In other media


  • In Game of Thrones, Melisandre appeared in the setting of the live-action television series where she was portrayed by actor Carice van Houten.


  • A Game of Thrones:

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