Mobile Optimal Neural Quotient Infiltrators

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The Mobile Optimal Neural Quotient Infiltrators (MONQIs) are robots that feature in Young Justice.



The Mobile Optimal Neural Quotient Infiltrators (MONQIs) were mechanical monkey shaped robots that were constructed by the supervillain scientist Professor Ivo. He claimed he took sometime to find an acronym that matched the word monkey. They were deployed to help track down the dismantled components of his android Amazo which they did by following the GPS signal of the various parts. At the time, the Team were escorting one of the trucks holding the deactivated android where they engaged the MONQIs. Despite the resistance, the robotic monkeys managed to succeed in their task though the majority were destroyed by Superboy. At least two survived when Amazo was reactivated and accompanied Ivo to Gotham Academy where they moved their master around. Whilst watching the fight between Superboy and Amazo, they helped move Ivo to avoid the attack from Conner Kent. A MONQI was procured by Sportsmaster for Professor Ivo during the experimentation on Starro.


These robots were small, money-like machines that often chuckled in a manner similar to chimpanzees. They had sleek aerodynamic bodies with a dark metallic grey coating though their eyes, joints in the armor and mouths glowed green. For movement, they were equipped with rocket packs that allowed them to fly. Whilst individually not powerful, MONQIs operated in large numbers designed too overwhelm the defences of their enemies. Thus, the use of the rocket packs allowed them some added mobility and optic blasts were powerful enough to melt through metal as well as temporarily blind Superboy.


  • The M.O.N.Q.I.s were introduced into DC in Supergirl v5 #65 (2011) where they were being used by Professor Ivo.


  • Young Justice:

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