The Mojoverse is a dimension that features in Marvel Comics.
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The Mojoverse was a parallel dimension that was known to exist within the Multiverse.
Long ago, a race of beings emerged known as the Spineless Ones who dragged and crawled their way across the ground. During this time, a humanoid arose named Arize who came to be scientist who came to build frames for the spineless thus teaching them to walk. He came to teach them to stand upright and dragged the entire race out from the ground to walk on the surface of their world. Some of their kind refused the spines but in time the Spineless Ones came to be the rulers of this dimension. (Longshot v1 #5) In time, had a dream to stand tall and reach the stars. To achieve that, he used his science to create a race of humanoids to populate the dimension with these beings having the ability to walk erect unlike the Spineless Ones. (Uncanny X-Men Annual v1 #1992) The power-mad Spineless Ones came to require slaves in order to maintain them and their civilization. (Longshot v1 #5) Thus, the genetically engineered beings created came to be enslaved by the other inhabitants of this dimension who began to use them for their entertainment. (Uncanny X-Men Annual v1 #1992)
In Mojoworld's media-oriented culture, the ruler is in charge of producing movies and television shows to keep the masses entertained. Mojo first started taking control of Mojoworld's slave creation and trade. Some of his creations included Spiral his six armed assistant and Quark, who resembled a human with the head of a ram. He also had ties in creating the character known as Longshot. Mojo employed Longshot as a stunt man in his movie productions; however, Longshot became Mojo's nemesis, leading other slaves in a rebellion. Mojo first learned of Earth when Longshot escaped to it, and he decided to take it over. When on the planet Earth, his whole essence embodies an anti life force. He causes plants to wilt and die, and causes humans and animals to age rapidly and die as well. By these means, he warped the weather and distorted the sky, which, if not thwarted, would have ended all life on the planet. (Longshot v1 #6)
Mojo’s Trademark Police continued their pursuit of the X-Babies who had fled with Ricochet Rita. (Excalibur Mojo Mayhem v1 #1)
After receiving the latest script, Mojo then embarked on his newest entertainment plan which was placing MojoWorld on Earth in order to target the X-Men again. This saw multiple golden obelisks dropping on Earth where they crafted scenarios based on different events from the X-Men's past. (X-Men: Gold v2 #13) Unknown to the participants, the obelisks were secretly terraforming the planet into something more suited for Mojo. (X-Men: Blue v1 #14)
The returned Spiral later abducted the newly married Gambit and Rogue to force them into performing for Mojo's television programs. (Mr. and Mrs. X v1 #7) Unbeknownst to Mojo, Spiral had made a deal with Gambit that she would save Rogue if he stole an item that actually contained Ricochet Rita's soul in order to re-integrate it into herself. (Mr. and Mrs. X v1 #10)
Following the death of a Mutant girl, the new Krakoan based X-Factor decided to investigate the matter and travelled to MojoWorld to uncover the truth about her murder. (X-Factor v4 #2)
The Mojoverse was a junction for all realities thus making it the only one that existed in the Multiverse with no alternate version of it. (Exiles v1 #18)
Locations in the Mojoverse included:
- Mojo City :
- Umbrella Forest :
- Slave Town Junction : all-around ghetto and slum for the Mojoverses artificially created humanoids. (Exiles v1 #18)
- Planet Orphan : the site of a boot camp that took poor inhabitants and forced them into lives as gladiators in order to pay for medical treatment. (Domino v3 #10)
One section maintained by them was Development Hell that was part prison and part factory. It was said that this was the location where individuals were ‘retooled’ in order to make them more marketable. (Wolverine v2 #1000)
A race native to this dimension were the Spineless Ones who emerged without spines and could only crawl through the ground until they were given frames that allowed them to walk-upright. (Longshot v1 #5) The majority of the species were referred to being as insane. (Uncanny X-Men Annual v1 #1992)
As a culture, they possessed almost no attention span and were addicted to motion pictures as well as television. (Exiles v1 #18)
The race of man were held to be among the worst nightmares from their mythology. (Longshot v1 #4)
A business that operated from this dimension was known as Mojomedia. (Astonishing Tales v2 #1) Special programs were created that included Headshot TV and Spiral's Showcase. (X-Factor v4 #2) The leader of Mojoworld was known to take the title of the Master Programmer. (X-Force Annual v1 #1) Rule over the Mojoverse was determined by the person holding the highest ratings. (X-Men v2 #11)
A policing body was the Mojo Trademark Police who targeted unregistered character concepts so that they could be exploited. (Excalibur Mojo Mayhem v1 #1) One group of skilled operatives from Mojoworld included the Death Sponsors that were given select tasks such as apprehending wanted individuals. (Uncanny X-Men Annual v1 #1992) Another group created to serve Mojo were the canine-like Warwolves. (Excalibur Special Edition v1 #1)
Their science allowed them to create designer genetically engineered slaves that were drawn from the most ancient nightmarish mythological images of the Mojoverse. (Longshot v1 #5) They were able to bio-engineer living beings to be the ultimate fighting machine. This allowed them to create regenerative biochemical constructs that were deployed in numbers. (New Mutants v1 #100) The conception and sale of artificially engineered humanoid slaves was considered one of Mojo’s most successful endeavours. (Exiles v1 #18) Medical treatment was only available to the elite whilst the lower classes were relegated to lives as gladiators in order to get treatments that they required in their lives. (Domino v3 #10)
The eyes were non-organic in composition with them being artificial bionic components designed to mimic form and function of biological equivalents. (New Mutants Annual v1 #2)
A material used by the inhabitants of the Mojoverse was Mojonium™ that was resistant to damage. (X-Men v2 #11)
- Mojo :
- Arize :
- Major Domo :
- Gog :
- Scheduler : a male humanoid who orchestrated Shatterstar rise as the Master Programmer where he intended to use him as a puppet head in control of Mojoworld. (X-Force Annual v1 #1)
- Veech :
- Meek :
- Spiral :
- Ma'gog :
- Mojo II :
- Meek :
- Minor Domo :
- Veech :
- Tracker-Tiger :
- Agent : a past version of Ricochet Rita who was twisted by Spyral to serve as an enforcer. (X-Factor Annual v1 #7)
- He-lix :
- Windsong :
- Gringrave :
- Shatterstar : a red haired male who grew up to be the ultimate fighting machine for the Mojoverse but later rebelled and joined the Cadre Alliance in overthrowing Mojo V whereupon he escaped to Earth to seek out the X-Men. (New Mutants v1 #100)
- Cancellator :
- Scattershot : a purpled skinned male warrior who wielded guns in fights against other people. (X-Factor v1 #236)
- Longshot :
- Quark :
- Trashman : (Domino v3 #10)
- Nandy :
- Alpha-Bot :
- Jobe :
- The Mojoverse was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams where it made its first appearance in Longshot v1 #4 (December, 1985).
In other media
- In X-Men, the Mojoverse appeared in the 1990s animated television series where it was ruled by Mojo who sought entertainment to please the masses of viewers.
- In Deadpool 2, a reference was made to Mojoworld in the live-action film with Shatterstar stating that he was a native from that planet who had come to Earth.
- Longshot: (1985)
- Uncanny X-Men v1:
- X-Men v2:
- New Mutants v1:
- Excalibur Mojo Mayhem v1: (1989)
- X-Force Annual v1:
- X-Babies: Murderama v1: (1998)
- X-Men: Gold v2:
- X-Men: Blue v1:
- Shatterstar v1:
- Domino v3:
- X-Factor v4: (2020)
External Links
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