Mortal Realms

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The Mortal of Realms.

The Mortal Realms is a dimension that features in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.



The Mortal Realms

Long ago in the Age of Myth, there were many great kingdoms and empires across all eight realms, encompassing men, duardin, aelves, and many stranger and rarer cultures and peoples. But as time went on, these great civilisations drew covetous looks from the Dark Gods. As the followers of Chaos grew in power, the Age of Myth gave way to the Age of Chaos, and slowly but surely the forces of Order, marshalled under Sigmar's great coalition of gods, the Pantheon of Order, began to give ground. Once the Chaos Gods' Chosen Archaon defeated Sigmar, most of the realms fell under the yoke of Chaos. As Sigmar and his followers as well as refugees from all the realms retreated to Azyr and barred the gates to lick their wounds after their defeat at the Battle of Burning Skies, most who remained turned to the worship and service of the Ruinous Powers through necessity -- or died for their defiance.


It consisted of eight Mortal Realms, each of which was vast though not quite infinite which encompassed its enormous realmsphere. They formed long ago, cosmic debris and stardust blended with one of the eight fundamental forms of magical energy, and the intrinsic essence of each realm’s dominant magic can be felt to some extent in every grain of sand, every leaf, and every one of its denizens. This power was most diluted at the centre of each realm, and most concentrated at the edges* – as travellers journey further out, the more fantastical the phenomena they will encounter, and the more pronounced the magical effects on the body.

The realms included:

  • Azyr : the Realm of Heavens, also known as the Celestial Realm, was a glittering realm of glowing palaces ruled by Sigmar and the pinnacle of all the realms. It had many names like the Hearth-Realm or Star-Throne by some Aelves, the Fortress of the Lost or the Peerless Kingdom by many of its human inhabitants and Bastion by the Duardin of the lost Khazalid Empire.
  • Aqshy : the Realm of Fire, was a volatile land where raging passions and simmering aggression reigns supreme. It's a realm ever moving, it swells like fire to fill the limits of its Realmsphere. It is also a splintered realm, broken into dozens of continents through the millennia.
  • Shyish : the Realm of Death, the Amethyst Realm
  • Ghyran : the Realm of Life, the Jade Kingdoms
  • Hysh : the Realm of Light
  • Ghur : the Realm of Beasts
  • Chamon : the Realm of Metal, also known as the Lands of Gold, was a realm ever in flux, swelling and shrinking with unseen cosmic tides. Its constituent sub-realms do not take the form of a plane or disc, like the other realm, but instead is a series of extremely different sub-realms which drift within the firmament of Chamon, linked by portals and undiscovered mystical bonds.
  • Ulgu : the Realm of Shadow

The Mortal Realms are all individually contained, separate domains floating in the void, but it is perfectly possible to travel between them through realmgates. These strange portals date back to the Age of Myth, and allow for near-instantaneous – and often quite risky – travel both around a particular realm and between realms. They are vital strategic positions, and entire cities, strongholds, and even civilisations are built around them. The most important nexus of all is the Eightpoints, a central sub-realm connecting all eight realms via colossal Arcways.

Locations within the realms included:

  • Necrotopia :
  • Shu'gohl :
  • Spiral Crux :

Creatures native to the realms included:

  • Dragons :
  • Draconith :
  • Leviadon :
  • Ferrosaurs :

Species native to the realms included:

  • Aelves :
  • Duardin :
  • Freemen :
  • Gholemkind :
  • Orruks :
  • Troggoths :
  • Skaven :
  • Beasts of Chaos :
  • Fimir :
  • Vampires :

While the Mortal Realms are inherently magical, and in many regions absolutely fantastical, they are still 'mortal' – which is to say that people live there, as well as animals and plants.

Organizations that operated within the realms included:

  • Stormcast Eternals :
  • Collegiate Arcane :
  • Kharadron Overlords :
  • Fyreslayers :
  • Lumineth Realm-lords :
  • Daughters of Khaine :
  • Idoneth Deepkin :
  • Sylvaneth :
  • Kruleboyz :
  • Sons of Behemat :
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers :
  • Soulblight Vampires :
  • Nighthaunt :
  • Flesh-eater Courts :
  • Maggotkin of Nurgle :


  • Sigmar :
  • Teclis :
  • Malerion :
  • Morathi :
  • Nagash :
  • Arkhan the Black :
  • Mannfred von Carstein :
  • Neferata :
  • Olynder :
  • Orpheon Katakros :
  • Ushoran :
  • Archaon :
  • Be'lakor :


  • The Mortal Realms were created by Games Workshop where it featured in the setting of the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar setting.

In other media


Video games

  • In Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, the Mortal Realms appeared in the setting of the real-time strategy video game.



  • Warhammer: Age of Sigmar:

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