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Perceptor is a male animated character who features in Transformers.




U.S. Animated, Japan

Perceptor was a male member of the Autobot faction of Transformers from the planet Cybertron.

Marvel U.S.

On Cybertron, Perceptor was often considered an officer or otherwise highly ranked personage by other Cybertronic life forms in the vicinity, inspiring in the aforementioned others a tendency to view him as a "commander" of a faction of Autobots who engaged in armed conflict against localized enemy forces. The Autobot communications officer, heretofore known as "Blaster", would routinely cause superfluous amounts of mischief for Perceptor, largely due to the former's overdeveloped anti-hero circuitry. Annoyingly, this endeared Blaster to their shared peers more so than to Perceptor, despite Perceptor's rational decision-making and refusal to risk lives unnecessarily. A pertinent example, if we were to belabor the matter, would be when Blaster felt irrational concern over the unreliable Autobot scout, Scrounge. Despite the obvious danger and the expendability of Scrounge, Blaster's utilization of charisma and other personality-based social tools were able to persuade Perceptor's team to search Polyhex for him. Perceptor warned of the futility of such actions, and, true to the probabilities calculated, Scrounge was not located. Blaster would predictably leave to find Scrounge on his own, returning later to report that Scrounge had sacrificed himself to bring news of Optimus Prime's apparent survival, somewhere on a planet called Earth.

Upon receiving word from Blaster that the Decepticons were in the process of constructing an inter-planetary teleportation device, or space bridge, Perceptor ordered the troops serving under his command to launch an immediate offensive on the enemy units. He feared that, should the Decepticons successfully establish the means to go to and fro an alien world, they would garner enough resources and manpower to render them invincible. This offensive was two-pronged; while Perceptor led the bulk of his troops on Darkmount, Blaster was sent off to plant fission bombs on the space bridge itself. Unforeseen circumstances, wherein Blaster uncovered that the Space Bridge itself was the hapless neutral Spanner, re-engineered into the device by the Decepticons, caused him to hesitate in his task. Sensing something was afoot when the bridge was not destroyed on schedule, Perceptor rerouted his aforementioned combat unit, or the surviving portions thereof, to aid Blaster at his location. After ensuring that the bridge would be made inoperable, the Autobots crossed the multidimensional warp system for transport, to join the forces based on the planetary body known to the overwhelming majority of those of his species who had shifted their operations to its locality as Earth. Perceptor's band was immediately spotted by a squadron of airborne Decepticons, but it seemed, at least on a superficial level not readily able to withstand a more critical analysis, that the Decepticons were more generally annoyed than willing to engage in combat, and thusly departed.

Marvel U.K.





Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Perceptor was created by Hasbro where he featured in the setting of the Transformers universe.

In other media




  • The Transformers:

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