Stephen J. Bartowski

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Stephen J. Bartowski is a male television character who features in Chuck.



Stephen J. Bartowski

It was shown that his wife had left him under unknown circumstances when their son was in the fifth grade.

Stephen later learned what the government intended to do with the Intersect, and knowing that others would want it, he stole the original Cipher and wiped all his data before going into hiding, which was the state of affairs for the five years before the events of the series. He became the target of a global manhunt by the NSA. General Beckman once stated that she was personally involved with the search. In an effort to protect his children, Stephen decided the best thing to do was to leave and distance himself from them.

ulcrum agent, Vincent, tracks him to Hong Kong, but Orion nearly kills him with a MQ-9 Reaper armed UAV and manages to escape the Fulcrum agents. Chuck attracts his father's attention when he begins an off-book search for Orion after he was told by Howard Busgang that Orion could probably help him remove the Intersect. Orion later attempts to arrange a meeting with Chuck, but interference by Beckman allows Vincent to catch up with Chuck and ambush both him and Orion. Orion later escapes by faking his death by directing a Reaper drone with his Wrist Computer to shoot down the helicopter that Chuck believes he is aboard. Before this incident, Orion had left Chuck plans for the Fulcrum Intersect to guide his son on his personal quest to remove the Intersect from his brain. He also warns Chuck not to trust Casey or Sarah with the information.

The reunion with his daughter goes less smoothly, however. Stephen is upset to learn Chuck has accepted a job with his former rival, Ted Roark. Stephen later tells Chuck that it was fine by him if he wanted to work for Roark after Ellie accuses him of putting Chuck up to wrecking the release of Roark's new computer operating system, which the CIA believes would release a worldwide computer virus.

Chuck then connects Orion's Intersect schematics with a map of Roark's office compound given to him by Stephen, and he infiltrates the building on his own after Casey and Sarah refuse to believe his argument that Roark was building an Intersect. Stephen takes advantage of the opportunity and goes to Roark's offices himself under the guise of demanding Roark give Chuck his job back, even after disrupting his software launch earlier. There, he reveals the truth of his history and his Orion identity to Chuck when the latter tranquilizes Roark's security guards when they detained Stephen. Stephen then says he can remove the Intersect from Chuck's brain. He finds his way to a hidden Fulcrum Intersect room and plans to use Roark's Intersect Cube to erase the Intersect from his son. Stephen refers to the Intersect Cube as the Intersect 2.0. However, the Intersect Cube is incomplete and Stephen cannot get it to work. After Stephen and Chuck are surrounded by Roark, Vincent, and a team of Fulcrum agents, Stephen tells Roark he will finish the Intersect if Chuck is allowed to go free. As Sarah and Casey, who had tracked them, take Chuck to safety, Stephen admits that he was wrong when he told Chuck not to trust his handlers. Chuck is unable to tell Ellie the truth about what happened to their father, so she is left believing he had deserted them once more.

Chuck began another search for Stephen, by using the Fulcrum operative in custody, Jill Roberts, which eventually led him to flash on the location where he was being held. Sarah and Chuck go on an unauthorized mission to rescue him, with the newly promoted Colonel John Casey in pursuit. Eventually, Chuck's handlers rescue Stephen at a Fulcrum base at Black Rock after he completes the Intersect Cube for Fulcrum. However, he had encoded it with images to erase the Intersect from Chuck's brain rather than encode images into the minds of Fulcrum agents. Stephen manages to save the Intersect Cube before escaping and is escorted out by Team Bartowski. The base was then destroyed by the F-16 fighter jets in an airstrike Beckman had ordered. Chuck eventually brings Stephen back to Ellie for the rehearsal dinner, explaining his tardiness to Ellie by stating he had to get her their dad as wedding present.

Stephen aided Bryce, Sarah, and Chuck in thwarting Roark's attempt to kill Ellie in exchange for the Intersect Cube. He also agreed to turn over the Intersect Cube to Bryce because he believed Bryce could be trusted. Later, when Chuck was determined to help Sarah protect the Intersect Cube from the incoming Ring agents, he gave his Wrist Computer to his son. Stephen returns once more when he receives an encrypted message from Ellie requesting to meet with him. Still unaware that his son downloaded the Intersect 2.0, Stephen is very surprised to see Casey and Sarah are still in Chuck's life when he is supposedly no longer working for the CIA. Chuck continues lying to his father when he asks, telling him that he is an analyst. When Chuck and Sarah supposedly go out on a date that is actually a mission to Daniel Shaw's apartment, Stephen follows them, and in the process saves his son. Chuck tries to keep his spy life secret from his father only to be forced into revealing it after Stephen throws a knife at his face which causes the Intersect 2.0 to neutralize the incoming threat. Chuck catches the knife in mid-air, confirming Stephen's suspicion of his son downloading the Intersect 2.0. Stephen reveals that he's aware of the negative side effect the 2.0 can have on the brain and he won't stay and watch his son die.


Personality and attributes

After joining the CIA, he came to serve as an engineer and went under the codename of Orion.

They came to have two children with a son named Chuck Bartowski and a daughter Ellie Bartowski.

He had asked Bryce Larkin to look out for his son.

Powers and abilities

Bartowski had the ability to retain vast amounts of visual information as well.

He was noted for being a computer and software genius who attended graduate school with Ted Roark whom Stephen would later accuse of stealing all of his best ideas.

Orion was the developer of the wrist computer which he used as a portable computer in the field.


  • Stephen J. Bartowski was portrayed by actor Scott Bakula where he featured in the setting of the Chuck universe.


  • Chuck:

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