Mainframe (Reboot)

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Mainframe is a place that features in ReBoot.



Reboot was the name for the computer-generated city and its environs where the main action happens.

A Web Creature accidentally found its way into Mainframe through Hexadecimal's shattered Looking Glass. It used energy from Sprites and Binomes to keep itself stable. When the Guardians tried to destroy it and the city with a bomb Bob took it and got it high enough in the sky it would not damage the city. The Web Creature flew toward the tear created by the explosion and turned it into a portal to the Web. (Episode: Trust No One)

As the Web War began, Mainframe was forced to form an alliance with Megabyte and Hexadecimal to fight the Web. Megabyte would build the hardware needed to close the portal, Phong would provide the software to run it, and Hexadecimal would power the device. It took longer than expected to bring the hardware online. During that time the CPU's were forced to fight off hundreds of Web Creatures. As the CPU's took heavy losses Megabyte finally order his ABC's into the air supporting the CPU's. Just before they closed the portal Megabyte forced Bob into a missile and shot him into the Web. Once the portal was closed Megabyte ordered the ABC's to blow the CPU's out of the sky and Hexadecimal prepared to fire the hardware at the Principal Office. (Episode: Web World Wars)



  • Phong :
  • Megabyte :
  • Hexadecimal :
  • Lens :
  • Talon :


  • Mainframe was created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace where it featured in the setting of the ReBoot universe.


  • ReBoot:

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