ADAM Unit Zero

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ADAM Unit Zero is a male robotic comic character who features in Marvel Comics.



ADAM Unit Zero

When Stryfe's armies were defeated by the Neo-Canaanites, Stryfe and Zero fled, travelling back in time to the late 20th century. (X-Force v1 #17)

In the 20th century, Stryfe gathered several young mutants like himself who were displeased with the way mutants were treated, and forming the Mutant Liberation Front. (New Mutants v1 #87)

Zero ended up in the possession of the arms dealer, Tolliver, an alias of Tyler Dayspring, son of Cable. Zero was reactivated when the mercenaries Deadpool, Copycat, Garrison Kane, and Slayback were all looking for 'the ultimate weapon', which turned out to be Zero. Zero was now capable of speech and following his original programming: peace-keeping. It scanned its surroundings for any object and person who were a threat to peace on Earth and eliminated Slayback. He was about to eliminate Deadpool as well, but Deadpool convinced Zero that he had potential for good as well by saving Copycat's life. Zero agreed to the proposal and ultimately decided to leave. (Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Zero can fly and create portals through space and time, using temporal monitors to pinpoint specific eras, locations, and timelines. This energy manipulation allows him to keep peace by nullifying all technological and biological weapons. He automatically records all nearby energy signals and can control, contain, redirect, or neutralize any energy signature in his database or create fields to detain even noncorporeal beings. He can create an EMP-like charge to deactivate nearby technology or destroy weapons from a distance with projected energy.

He can store vast amounts of data, remotely reprogram other computer systems, create holograms, perform multiple levels of diagnostics for self-repair and send beacons to other techno-organic sentient beings.

Zero is constructed of durable artificial metals, although repeated attacks by weapons from his own era will eventually injure him. When inert, the “zero” symbol disappears, reappearing when Zero absorbs energy. While under Stryfe’s control, Zero is programmed not to talk and has an autonomous destructive device installed that can only be removed by an outside force.


  • ADAM Unit Zero was created by Louise Simonson and Rob Liefeld where he made his first appearance in New Mutants v1 #86 (February, 1990).

Alternate Versions


  • New Mutants v1: (1990)
  • X-Force v1:
  • Deadpool: The Circle Chase v1:

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