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Ahri is a female video game character who features in League of Legends.




Ahri was a female Vastaya who lived in the world of Runeterra who did not know her origins except that she was abandoned in the snowy woods of northern Ionia. She did not know her family except a pair of matching gemstones that were left as a token to her. The young Ahri joined a pack of icefoxes as they stalked prey on their morning hunt and before long they came to adopt her as part of their pack. With no one to teach her the magic of her kind, she came to instinctively learn to draw upon the world around her in order to help her take down prey. She first encountered humans when a troop of foreign soldiers camped near her den where their behaviours were strange to Ahri who became curious as she wanted to learn more about them. Thus, she watched them from afar and came to be drawn to a hunter who unlike his more wasteful companions came to use every part of the animals he killed with this reminding her of her own family. Her first experience with humans was when she found a group of humans camping nearby. One of them was dying by stray arrow and Ahri could feel his life slipping away. Giving in to her predatory instincts, Ahri savored and consumed the spiritual essence leaving his body and gained flashes of his memories, even managing to learn human language. As she grew closer to human society, she became addicted to feeding off of the spiritual essence of mortals, using her abilities to charm her victims and slowly becoming drunk on the memories and emotions she consumed. Ahri would eventually see how mortals viewed her through the memories of her victims, seeing herself as a monster and giving in to her hunger. One day, Ahri met an artist who, instead of running away from her in fear, actually offered his own essence in exchange for her heart. For the first time, Ahri felt genuine happiness without having to feed on spiritual essence and the two fell in love. Unfortunately, Ahri would lose control of her hunger and completely drained her lover, killing him.

Grief stricken and in despair over the loss of her first and only love, Ahri retreated from society and travelled to the Garden of Forgetting. Once there, she wished to erase all the troubled memories she stole during her time as a predator, especially that of her former lover. Here she met a mysterious old woman tending to the garden. Ahri recognized this woman as the garden's caretaker, known by names such as the Eater of Secrets, the Forgotten or the Witch Gardener. Ahri referred to her as Ighilya, the Ionian word for "great grandmother," and begged her to show her how to forget the painful memories of her lover. The Gardener warned her that forgetting these memories was a worse fate, but reluctantly agreed to help Ahri, handing her a budding snow lily and instructing her to breath into the flower and think of the memory she wanted to get rid of. The flower, while trying to consume the memory, caused Ahri to relive the death of her lover through painful visions, making Ahri realize that she didn't want to lose these memories of her beloved as removing them was far worse than living with the pain. Attempting to pull away, Ahri felt suffocated by the unnatural perfumes of the snow lily and saw hallucinogenic visions appear as a result of it. After hallucinating in the garden, she regained her senses as the Gardener stood above her, asking her if she managed to keep the memory before the flower took hold. Ahri explained that she did, despite it seeming cloudy, as the Gardener quietly urged Ahri to leave the garden before it takes her, as it did with many others who visited it before. As dark vines and snow lilies began to overgrow and cover the exits out of the garden, Ahri managed to escape with her vastayan reflexes and decided that she would from now on live from her past pains and experiences rather than regret and attempt to forget them.

Wishing to find a solution to control her abilities and her predatory instincts, Ahri became consumed with learning more about her origins and her mysterious vastayan tribe. Her travels through Ionia eventually lead her to Omikayalan, the once sacred grove of the God-Willow; a legendary and magical tree that had been cut down thousands of years ago.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Ahri was a female Vesani of medium stature with pale skin and long black hair. Her eyes are golden yellow with silt shaped pupils and her cheeks have red, whisker-like marks on them. Due to her vastayan nature, she has black fox ears atop her head, long claws for nails and nine white fox tails. She usually wears a white dress with red and gold details as well as trinkets such as three purple tassels. At times, usually when hiding her vastayan nature among society to stop from unwanted attention, Ahri wears a giant white hooded cloak to shield not only her face but also her nine white tails.

For most of her life, Ahri's origins were a mystery to her, the history of her vastayan tribe all but lost save for the twin gemstones she has carried her entire life. Ahri's earliest memories are of running with icefoxes in the northern reaches of Shon-Xan. Though she knew she was not one of them, they clearly saw her as something of a kindred spirit, and came to accept her within the pack.

In that wild, predatory existence, Ahri nonetheless felt a deeper connection to the forests around her. In time, she came to understand that this was the magic of the vastaya that coursed through every fiber of her being, and the realm of spirits that lay beyond. With no one to teach her, instead she learned to call upon this power in her own ways—most often using it to quicken her reflexes in pursuit of prey. If she was careful and close enough, she also found she might soothe a panicked deer, so that it remained serene and calm even as she and her packmates sank their teeth into its flesh.

The world of mortals was as distant and unsettling to Ahri as it was to the icefoxes, but she felt drawn to it for reasons she could not explain. Humans in particular were coarse, gruff creatures. Keeping to the fringes of society, she felt more alive than ever. Her predatory nature remained, but she was caught up in a riot of new experiences, emotions, and customs across Ionia. Mortals, it seemed, also became fascinated by her in return—and she often used this to her advantage, draining their essence while charming them with recollections of beauty, hallucinations of deep longing, and occasionally dreams colored by raw sorrow.

Powers and abilities

As a Vastaya, she had a natural talent towards magic but was not taught by anyone in her youth and instead had to rely on instinct. This led to her to her drawing on the magic around her to shape destructive spheres that she could direct at her quarry. Ahri was also able to soothe animals into a state of tranquillity allowing her to lull them into a helpless state whereupon she could slay them.

Innately connected to the latent power of Runeterra, Ahri is a vastaya who can reshape magic into orbs of raw energy. She revels in toying with her prey by manipulating their emotions before devouring their life essence. Despite her predatory nature, Ahri retains a sense of empathy as she receives flashes of memory from each soul she consumes.

The Vesani have the ability to absorb the spiritual essence of others, which includes one's memories, emotions and their very life force. When Ahri does this, she experiences these emotions and memories as if they were her own, feeding a ravenous hunger she has for human experiences. Though she used to lose control of her hunger for spiritual essence, she has grown more in tune with her nature and has learned to control it.


  • Ahri was created by Riot Games where she was voiced by actor Laura Post and featured in the setting of the League of Legends universe.


  • League of Legends:

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