All Forces Nullification Point

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The All Forces Nullification Point is a phenomena that featured in the Andromeda universe.



The All Forces Nullification Point was a region in the universe located in-between the Milky Way, Triangulum and Andromeda galaxies in the void of deep space. It was described as a place where the universe tore itself apart. There were only legends of its existence to galactic travelers with some calling it a nightmare similar to being a hole of hell where there was nothingness. Some claimed that no one ever came back from there if the legends of its existence were true. For unexplained reasons, a planet was somehow located in this region which suffered from the effects of the Nullification Point in that it was experiencing a slow and gradual collapse leading to it being completely unstable. Myth held this area to be at best conditional, highly unpredictable and always fatal. (Episode: Answers Given to Questions Never Asked)

During the time of the new Systems Commonwealth, the Spirit of the Abyss paved the way for its eventual destruction of all of galactic society. To achieve this goal, it began controlling and manipulating a Collector by the name of Paroo who rose to the head of security for this government. With him, he helped instigate the disastrous battle at Enga's Redoubt against the Nietzscheans which saw numerous other rival factions enter into the battle that brought about near mutual destruction of both sides. In this time, it was believed that the Commonwealth was on the brink of collapse and Paroo took Tri-Jema to the planet at the All Forces Nullification Point in order to ensure its destruction. However, his conflicted nature meant that he also sent a courier through the Route of Ages to get the help of Captain Dylan Hunt to stop the Abyss's plans. Eventually, Captain Hunt took the Andromeda Ascendant to the Nullification Point with the remains of the Commonwealth fleet in the hopes of rescuing Tri-Jema where they encountered the rapidly collapsing planet. He travelled to the surface where he battled Paroo and exposed him being under the control of the Abyss. Afterwards, he quickly escaped the destruction of the planet through the Route of Ages. (Episode: Answers Given to Questions Never Asked)


This region of space was described as an area where electromagnetic and EAK forces were completely nulified. This had the affect of nothing existing in this area as any substance would simply be pulled apart and disintegrate. A world present at the site experienced visual gradual destruction from space where its unpredictable terrain demonstrated the fact that the Nullification Point was rapidly pulling it apart. (Episode: Answers Given to Questions Never Asked)

A path into the Route of Ages existed at this point. (Episode: Answers Given to Questions Never Asked)


  • Andromeda: "Answers Given to Questions Never Asked" (2003)

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