Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)

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Aloy is a female video game character who features in Horizon Zero Dawn.




Aloy was a female human born on Earth during the 31st century. Her creation stemmed from Project Zero Dawn that was a human terraforming initiative designed to restore the planet after the Faro Plague. This involved the creation of artificial intelligence systems designed to oversee the project. On August 3020, the AI GAIA received a transmission of unknown origin that caused her subordinate functions to evolve into self-aware and erratic artificial intelligences. One among them was the HADES sub-function that was designed to purge the environment if GAIA did not produce a sustainable system and thus allow the project to start again. However, HADES upon becoming independent attempted to take over the terraforming systems and looked to eradicate humanity. To prevent this, GAIA instituted the fail-safe option and overloaded the GAIA Prime reactor in an attempt to wipe out the rogue HADES. The act though would cause the destruction of GAIA as well and bring about the eventual breakdown of the terraforming system. Thus, GAIA activated an unused Zro Dawn protocol that allowed the creation of clones of the Alpha designers of the project. The Lightkeeper protocol thus resulted in a clone being create of head scientist Dr. Elisabet Sobeck who would have the gene print needed to access the Alpha Registry and enter the Zero Dawn facilities allowing her to rebuild e GAIA system core once she reached maturity. Thus, from the ELEUTHIA-9 facility the Alpha's genetic material was used to produce the clone of Sobeck.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Aloy was a human Caucasian female who stood 1.69 meters tall with long red hair and freckles on her cheeks and nose. Her hair tended to be pulled back with braids in the back and on the sides. As a result of being orphaned, the young Aloy tended to be mocked by the other children of the village who called her No-Mother.

Powers and abilities

Aloy in reality was a clone of Alpha designer Elisabet Sobeck and contained the gene registry that allowed her automatic access to many of the systems of the Zero Dawn project.


  • Aloy was voiced by actor Ashly Burch with motion capture provided by Amanda Piery for the game Horizon Zero Dawn (2017).


  • Horizon Zero Dawn: (2017)

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