Amarr Empire
The Amarr Empire is a Human government that features in EVE Online.
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The Amarr Empire were a race of humans that established themselves in New Eden alongside the other colonists that moved to that region of space. Among oldest of all civilizations in New Eden, the Amarr traced their origins back to settlers on the planet of Athra thousands of years ago. In that time, a prophet known as Gheinok the First after they were driven from the continent of Assimia following the collapse of the EVE Gate where they eventually settled on an island known as Amarr. Over there, they came to languish for centuries as warlords waged bloody conflicts on each other and the church struggled to keep the faith alive. From these warlords emerged Amash-Akura who became the legendary first emperor that conquered by sword scripture where they brought the entire island under his command and founded the Amarr Empire in AD 16470. He was then responsible for codifying its laws, established the hereditary noble class of holders, and founded the religious body that would rule the empire namely the Council of Apostles.
The Amarr people were the first of the races to re-discover interstellar travel technology which came to include jump gate tech. This was achieved 2,000 years ago whereupon they began to expand into nearby solar systems which were slowly brought into their empire. Shortly after recovering from the closure of the EVE Gate, they began to expand their realm at the expense of neighboring states. The nations they conquered were enslaved with this being a practice justified by their religion. On the way, they encountered two human races both of whom suffered the fate of being enslaved by the far more powerful Amarr.
Since that event near two centuries ago, he Amarr came to learn restraint in their dealings in the cosmos. They had slowed down their expansion and were less forceful in their dealings with other races but still viewed themselves as the most powerful race in New Eden. This they believed due to their sheer numbers and their belief in the support of their Holy God.
In appearance, the Amarr Empire was an interstellar nation that operated as a theocratic monarchy.
A deeply religious people, religion held a great importance to their people with this fervour having been responsible for both great goods and great evils across their history.
Members of the Amarrian elite were known as Amarr Holders.
It was headed by the Amarr Emperor who was the head of the theocratic, authoritarian imperial state. The Emperor's authority was unquestioned and absolute though the archaic and bureaucratic system of government made it difficult for him to exert his rule unless directly in person. Beneath him were the Five Heirs that were the heads of the five royal families. It was among their ranks that a new Emperor was chosen. The Emperor's authority was unquestionable and absolute yet an archaic and bureaucratic system of government made it difficult for him to exert his rule unless it was done so directly in person. As such, the Five Heirs were responsible for ruling in his name and divided the huge Amarr Empire between them. The Emperor and the Heirs could live for at least 500 years with extensive cyber-implants keeping their frail bodies alive even when their organs begin to fail. These cyber-enhancements dated back many millennia and have become a symbol of royal divinity in the eyes of the Amarr.
The Amarr Heirs were the heads of the five royal families who were the highest caste of the Holders apart from the Emperor's family itself. The entrenched bureaucracy and the semi-feudal governing system meant that all over the empire there were local lords that enjoyed almost complete autonomy most of time. The Heirs were the most powerful of these lords where each heir family had vast domains spanning dozens of solar systems. The power of the heirs could best be seen in the way each of them shapes their domain to fit their own wishes. The result was that the Amarr Empire was a patchwork of rules and regulations with varying customs and traditions.
Serving the Emperor was the position of Court Chamberlain who served as the Amarr rulers right hand.
A ruling body within the empire was the Council of Apostles. Another high ranking institution was that of the Theology Council who served as a supreme religious court in the empire.
Their society was divided into a number of ethnic groups that included:
- Amarrians :
- Ni-Kunnis :
- Khanid :
A religious order that operated within the empire was the Order of St. Tetrimon.
Soldiers of the empire from across all its branches were known as Paladins.
Known classes of ships used by the Amarr included:
- Apocalypse class : battleships
- Absolution class: dreadnoughts
- Aeon class : supercarriers
- Avatar class : titans
As the largest of the empires, it was noted to rule 40% of inhabited space.
Planets belonging to the empire included:
- Amarr Prime : located in the Amarr solar system, it was originally known as Athra in ancient times until it was rechristened after the Amarr conquered it.
- Zaragram II :
- Jamyl Sarum : Jamyl I
- Falek Grange :
- Arkon Ardishapur :
- Idonis Ardishapur :
- The Amarr Empire was created by CCP Games where they featured in the setting of the Eve Online universe.
- EVE Online:
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