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AmerTek is a business that features in DC Comics.




Amertek Industries

Later the Irons family is enjoying dinner when a squad of AmerTek Industries soldiers attack. John Henry fights them while the rest of the family escapes to the basement. John Henry makes short work of the squad using his strength and a frying pan. He then joins the family and promises that he will fix the trouble he has caused. (Steel v2 #1)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. AmerTek



  • Thomas Weston :
  • Manuel Cabral :
  • John Henry Irons :


  • AmerTek was created by Louise Simonson where it made its first appearance in Steel v2 #1 (February, 1994).

In other media


  • In the Arrowverse, AmerTek made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Arrow, AmerTek first appeared in the live-action television series set in the Arrowverse where they were first mentioned in the episode "Sara" as an oil and gas company. In "The Recruits", they were the company that designed the nuclear weapons that Damien Darkh had launched during Genesis Day which destroyed the town of Havenrock. The town's only survivor swore vengeance and became the masked vigilante known as Ragman where he used mystical garments as he pursued AmerTek executives. As a result, stock plummeted with the company facing bankruptcy leading to CEO Janet Carroll deciding to sell its arms to criminals such as Tobias Church. Unaware of this fact, Star City Mayor Oliver Queen approached the company to get their funding in improving the various neighbourhoods in his city by covering expenses for a free medical clinical event he was organising. Initially, the company was hesitant to be involved due to potential violence but Mayor Queen offered to indemnify AmerTek with extra security.
    • In The Flash, AmerTek was referenced in the setting of the live-action television series in the episode "Family of Rogues". It was revealed that they were the producers of a Phase 3 suppression door that was being used to keep the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond safe at Central City Museum.

Video games

  • In Batman: Arkham Origins, AmerTek was referenced in the setting of the video game. They were the manufacturers of Deadshot's bullets. Billboards for the company can be seen throughout the game as well as being able to visit a factory in the industrial district.


  • Steel v2: (1994)
  • Steel Annual v2:
  • Steelworks v1: (2023)

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