Amheng Osa

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Amheng Osa is a title that features in Blade of the Phantom Master.




The Amheng Osa were a class of secret government agent established within the lands of Jushin.


In appearance, the Amheng Osa were secret government agents empowered by the king of Jushin. They were charged by the king with finding and punishing corrupt government officials, and bringing justice to the country's citizens. For this purpose, they typically were shown to travel the countryside in disguise. The common perception held by Jushin's former citizens of the Amen Osa were that they were virtuous figures and bearers of justice.

Amheng Osa bore bronze medallions, given to them by the king and emblazoned with between one and three horses. The greater the number of horses, the higher the rank of the amheng osa. Amheng osa of first mahai rank have one horse emblazoned onto their medallions, which allows them to wield basic magic to fight ordinary soldiers. The most powerful medallions feature three horses, and allow the bearers, third mahai (Korean: 삼마패, 三馬牌), to perform summonings and regenerate injuries.

Despite being made for use by amheng osa, the mahai medallions will also work for normal people, so long as their convictions and willpower in executing justice are sufficiently strong. Hong Gildong, for example, successfully wielded a fourth mahai medallion. After the fall of Jushin, both first and second mahai medallions were rendered useless; only third and fourth mahai medallions still functioned.

Amheng osa are also prohibited from having families, but they are allowed a single travel partner called a 'Sando', who doubles as a bodyguard. Sando tend to be individuals of great fighting prowess or intelligent beasts.


  • Munsu (文秀/문수) : former military general, and a third mahai amen osa from the fallen kingdom of Jushin.


  • The Amheng Osa were created by Youn In-wan and Yang Kyung-il where they featured in the setting of the Blade of the Phantom Master universe.

In other media



  • Blade of the Phantom Master:

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