Amon (Devilman)
Amon is a male demonic anime and manga character who features in Devilman.
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Amon (Japanese: アモン) was once said to had been a human knight who served as the commander-in-chief of the demon suppression force organized to subdue the demon tribe released from the Mountain of Seal, set in the kingdom of the ancient gods, is the original form of the demon tribe Amon. He sets out to subdue the demon race with his lieutenant Sirenu and his collaborator, God Prince Lucifer, but they are unable to withstand the demon race that attacks them with indiscriminate combinations as their weapon, and Sirenu and Lucifer end up merging with the ancient humans. Amon survives, but Satan, who was born by merging with Lucifer and Demon, emphasizes to the surviving Amon that merging was evolution.
He came to be a powerful demonic being who had great fighting abilities to the point that he was considered the God of War in Hell. Amon began life as a demon called the White Monster and was adopted by a tribe of Sirenes. After the tribe was mostly wiped out by T-Rexes, he joined the united demon tribe formed by Satan alongside two other survivors: an albino known as the White Sirene and one who had lost her wings called Sheena. After learning of the legend of Deathless Amon from Kaim, the White Monster climbed Amon's ladder and challenged the legendary demon, eventually winning their battle and claiming Amon's power and name for himself. As such, he became considered a hero amongst demonkind and thus greatly feared. At some point, Sirene became his lover and like all demons became separated from the land of mortals. This was until the modern era when Ryo conducted a Black Sabbath ritual in order to harness the power of the greatest demon warrior in the fight against Hell's denizens. A host was required to serve as a vessel for Amon's power which would be Akira Fudo. At the time, Amon attempted to take control over the human host body but faced an obstacle due to Akira's pure heart. This resulted in Akira gaining all of Amon's power and suppressing the demons consciousness leading to the creation of Devilman who became a force for Fudo to fight demons.
When the nature of demons was revealed to the world the masses of humans entered into a panic and mobs formed in paranoia. In this chaos, Miki and her family were brutally killed with Akira witnessing the act. His rage allowed the demon Amon to manifest completely and take over the host body of the boy thus allowing him to transform into his true guise. After his emergence, he was no longer bound by his hosts mind and thus went berserk where he slaughtered all that opposed him. These included the hordes of demons invading the world though Amon drew no distinction between friend or foe. After slaying his foes, he went to confront Satan himself who used his power to awaken the mind of Akira who remain trapped within Amon's subconscious. Thus, Amon had to fight Akira for the control of their body with Fudo taking the form of Devilman in the battle. During the clash, Amon began to gain the advantage and nearly killed Devilman. However, Akira remembered his moments with his love Miki when she was alive which gave him strength to fight back. Afterwards, he managed to defeat Amon which ended the reign of terror brought by the powerful demon.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Amon was a humanoid demon with a powerfully built, enormous red-skinned form that had two tattered black wings on the sides of his head along with bright yellow eyes and a black goatee. With inhuman strength and fighting prowess he was known as the God of War in Hell.
Though Devilman contained the power of Amon, the true form of the demon were hidden until he was finally freed from his hosts body. Once released from Fudo, Amon appeared as a towering red-skinned demon with a powerfully built frame and two tattering black bat-like wings on the sides of his head. His face had two bright yellow eyes and he had a black goatee with a mixture of red skin and black fur. In addition, black fur covered his shoulders, wrists the majority of the lower body. His large clawed feet were, however, red in color and stuck out and he held a black tail with a tuff of black fur at the end. A pair of large black wings were also present at his back that gave him the power of flight.
Amon's true nature was that of a powerful demon who was incredibly uncontrollable who tended to fight in a berserk state. Once fighting, he fought against anyone indiscriminately and attempted to kill all those that crossed his path. His bloodlust was to such an extreme extent that he held no regard for the lives of any of his allies. Among the more disturbing traits shown by Amon was his cannibalistic tendencies as shown when he devoured his ally Yumi during his rampage. Beyond these traits, he was shown to also be highly arrogant and tended to look for the strongest combatant to battle. This same trait was a notable weakness as it meant that he could easily underestimate his opponents.
He was noted to had hated being bound within his worthless human host and being forced to defend mankind. Amon had nothing but contempt for humanity and all his foes which was a reason why he was amused that his host had fought for a girl. Part of the blame for being in a human host he placed on Satan's hands for allowing this fate to be placed on him.
While Amon is amoral, merciless, and bloodthirsty, he has a few admirable qualities. He didn't kill without reason and would only do so when provoked or if someone stood in his way. He does show compassion for some people, the most notable was Sirene but in spite of what Sirene says about their relationship, Amon only perceived Sirene as a close friend and didn't harbor a romantic interest in her. Amon seemed to have a lover in the form of Nike, where his feelings temporarily surfaced from Akira Fudo, also implying that Akira's flirting and teasing with Miki was somewhat influenced by Amon given Miki's similarity to Nike.
Powers and abilities
His great strength allowed him to easily crush the bodies of demonic beings. During one battle, the full force of his punch was to such an extent that flesh disintegrated and warp the flesh of his enemy. In addition, it gave him the capacity to leap great distances with a single jump. However, for extended flight, he was able to extend a pair of black wings in order to actually fly through the air. Furthermore, he demonstrated the ability to endure numerous wounds such as numerous blade-like tendrils stabbing into his arm.
By bringing his hands together, Amon was capable of generating powerful bolts of energy to destroy his targets. These could either be projected as multiple short beams, a single powerful sustaining blast or multiple scattered shots.
- Amon was created by No Nagai and featured in the setting of the Devilman universe.
- The character was named after the seventh demon in the Ars Goetia's demonic hierarchy where he appears as a fire breathing wolf with a snake's tail or portrayed as a humanoid with the traits of a raven with a mouth filled with dog-like teeth. He is shown to be a demon that procures love and reconciles controversies whilst sitting as a marquis of hell with a total of 72 demons under his rule.
- In Shin Violence Jack, Jack was gradually revealed to be Amon.
- The events of Demon Knight served as a prequel showing Amon's life prior to becoming a demon with this being witnessed in a dream by Akira.
In other media
- In [Amon: The Darkside of The Devilman]], Amon appeared in the setting of the OVA which provided a re-imagined take on the last chapters of the Devilman manga with the character serving as the prime antagonist. During the course of the OAV, the existence of demons is revealed to the world leading to widespread fear and paranoia with anyone being accused of being a demon. This chain of events sees Miki Makimura killed by a mob with her head being decapitated. Upon witnessing this event, Akira Fudo mind and allowing Amon to manifest fully due to Fudo losing control as he spirals into sadness as well as depression as at being unable to protect Miki. Once freed, Amon goes into a frenzy where he kills indiscriminately and slaying both friend as well as foe including devouring a demon that was an ally previously. This leads to Amon confronting Satan who uses his powers to awaken Akira who was sealed within the consciousness of the rampant demon. Ultimately, this leads to Akira freed and becoming Devilman who battles Amon within their mind. Devilman was overwhelmed and at the point of death when Fudo remembered his time with Miki that gave him the strength to fight where he managed to defeat Amon thus ending the demon's reign.
- In Devilman, Amon was referenced in the setting of the 2004 Japanese live-action film.
- Devilman:
- Amon: The Darkside of the Devilman:
- Demon Knight:
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