Amon (The Legend of Korra)
Amon is a male character who features in The Legend of Korra.
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Noatak was born in the Northern Water Tribe to Yakone and his wife, as the older brother of Tarrlok by three years. Growing up, he was a good-natured child who always looked out for his younger brother and wanted everyone to be treated fairly and equally. When Noatak and Tarrlok both discovered they were waterbenders, Yakone trained them ruthlessly to develop their skills. While Noatak was a natural, Tarrlok struggled to progress as quickly and was often verbally abused by Yakone as a result. Noatak initially stood up for his brother, but stopped when Yakone ordered him to never talk back. When Noatak was ten, Yakone took his sons on a supposed hunting trip far from their home, where he revealed his true identity as a Republic City criminal and explained to them the power of bloodbending. Claiming that their family had the strongest line of bloodbenders in history, he expressed his intent to make his sons bloodbenders of the highest caliber in order to exact his revenge against Avatar Aang for stripping him of his bending. Yakone trained the boys secretly during every full moon to use their bloodbending on animals, such as yaks and wolves, until they were able to bloodbend without a full moon. Noatak reveled in his newfound power, eventually mastering Yakone's unique psychic bloodbending technique by the time he was fourteen. As a prodigy, he carried the burden of all his father's expectations and demands. Over the years, he became cold and detached.
At a young age, Noatak was driven to revenge by his abusive father Yakone, a notorious crime boss who had his bending abilities stripped from him by Avatar Aang many years back. Yakone forced Noatak and Tarrlok to learn bloodbending so the two of them could seek vengeance against the Avatar in his stead. Noatak was a prodigious bloodbender, but defected from his father's plan and ran away from the Northern Water Tribe.
Eventually, Yakone ordered his sons to bloodbend each other, which Noatak did with great ease, ignoring his brother's screams of pain until Yakone ordered him to stop. When Tarrlok refused to bloodbend Noatak, Yakone became angry and called him weak. However, as he started to lash out at Tarrlok as punishment, Noatak halted the attack by bloodbending his own father. He then called Yakone weak for being stripped of his waterbending by the Avatar and reminded his father that they were his children, not his "tools of vengeance". He subsequently urged his brother to start a new life with him away from Yakone, but Tarrlok declined out of worry for their mother. This prompted Noatak to agree with their father's assertion that Tarrlok was weak. After flinging Yakone in the snow, Noatak ran off into the blizzard, prompting Yakone and Tarrlok to search for him in the following days; they eventually assumed that he had perished in the storm.
At some point in his life, Noatak figured out how to use bloodbending to disrupt a bender's chi making it impossible for them to bend. He assumed the alias of ;Amon' and became the leader of the Equalists, an organization striving to rid the world of bending. To garner sympathy and hide that he was a bender himself, Amon claimed that he was born on a small farm to a poor family of non-benders that were being extorted by a firebender. When his father had supposedly confronted the bender, he and the rest of his family were murdered and Amon's face was left scarred from the attack, forcing him to hide behind a mask ever since. He also claimed that he had been granted the power to remove bending permanently by the spirits because they believed the Avatar had failed the world and wanted him to usher in an era of equality.
After Avatar Korra announced her official relocation to Republic City during a press conference at City Hall, Amon told his second-in-command that the Avatar's arrival would force them to accelerate their plans. Later, at an Equalist assembly called 'The Revelation', Amon revealed his plan to eradicate the world of benders, as they 'had only brought suffering' and 'were the cause of every war in every era'. Amon rallied the sympathy of his followers with a false backstory, in which his family, all nonbenders, was extorted by a firebender and his face was left horribly scarred. He also claimed to have been chosen by the spirits to usher in a new era of balance to the world by permanently removing people's bending in order to make equality a reality. As a demonstration of his abilities, Amon had his Equalist henchmen bring forward several captured Triple Threat Triad members, along with Bolin, and proceeded to remove their bending one by one, starting with the firebending of the notorious crime boss Lightning Bolt Zolt, whom he was able to defeat without the use of any offensive attacks. However, before he could finally purge Bolin of his earthbending, Korra orchestrated a distraction by releasing a cloud of steam into the room, allowing Mako to rescue Bolin in the resulting confusion and escape. As the brothers and Korra were riding away on Naga, tailed by several Equalists, Amon allowed them to escape, remarking that the Avatar would be the perfect individual to spread the word about his powerful new ability.
Before officially meeting Korra, Amon had made a severe impression on her with his actions during the Revelation rally by unknowingly plaguing her with nightmares in which he removed her bending. After being proclaimed public enemy number one by the United Republic Council, he spread a message over the radio to his fellow Equalists, using the actions of the Council as proof of benders' oppressive nature. After Councilman Tarrlok and Avatar Korra led a task force that successfully raided an Equalist training facility, Amon was publicly challenged by the Avatar to a midnight duel on Aang Memorial Island without the involvement of the task force or chi-blockers. However, Amon did not arrive on time, nor did he come alone. Just as Korra began to leave the island, several hidden Equalists reeled her inside the island's museum, where she was quickly overpowered and incapacitated by chi-blocking. Amon emerged from the shadows and revealed that he would allow her to keep her bending for the time being, stating that she would otherwise become a martyr and cause benders from every nation to rally behind her 'untimely demise'. However, he warned a terrified Korra that he would 'save her for last' and finally 'destroy her' in their inevitable showdown. With that final statement, he proceeded to knock her out and flee with his group.
Personality and attributes
Powers and abilities
- Amon was created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko where he was voiced by actor Steven Blum and featured in the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe.
- The Legend of Korra:
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