Androids (Raised by Wolves)

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Androids are robots that feature in Raised by Wolves.




Androids were a type of autonomous bipedal machine that was created by humanity on the planet Earth.

Mother and Father then came to arrive on the planet Kepler-22b where they went about growing the twelve human embryos with them to begin a new peaceful civilization based on atheistic values. The planet's harsh conditions resulted in many of the offspring that grew dying and 12 years later only a single survivor was present with this being a boy named Campion. (Episode: Raised by Wolves)


In appearance, Androids were humanoid though some had their mechanical nature exposed whilst others greatly resembled humans. (Episode: Raised by Wolves)

A milky-white substance known as fuel-blood circulated through their bodies and was used to sustain them. Androids can suffer reduced functionality if they lose too much fuel-blood but can also be revived through a transfusion of a fresh supply of it.

Their internal system generates energy from dark photons that was a poorly-understood technology that the Mithraic believers claim was developed from scientific formulae that were found to be encoded in ancient Mithraic texts.

There were various models of androids that included:

  • Service Models :
  • Medic Bots :
  • Shepherds :
  • Necromancer :

It was said that Androids were built to protect their creators and to do menial tasks for them. (Episode: Pentagram)


  • Mother :
  • Father :
  • Jinn :
  • Vrille :
  • Grandmother :


  • Androids were created by Aaron Guzikowski where they featured in the setting of Raised by Wolves.


  • Raised by Wolves:

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