Anubis Cruger

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Anubis Cruger is a television character who features in Power Rangers.




Anubis Cruger is a member of the doglike Sirian race from the planet Sirius, and was a member of the original Space Patrol Delta, training in the Academy alongside future criminal Icthior. He led the SPD forces against the Troobian Empire's invasion, fighting and scarring Emperor Gruumm by shearing off his right horn, before General Benagg kidnapped his wife Isinia and managed to bring down Cruger from behind. The battle was lost and all the Sirians except for Cruger and Isinia were killed. After that, Anubis made a vow to never fight again and left for Earth, thinking his wife was lost.

In 2001, when some members of S.P.D. were working on the creation of the Delta Morphers, they were exposed to some cellular enhancers, which altered their genes and would give their future children genetic powers. Following this event, Space Patrol Delta decided to keep their affected members' affiliation with S.P.D. a secret from their children, with Cruger watching over them. On one occasion, Cruger watched over Z Delgado after she ran away from school when she was just 12 years old. Presenting himself as a cloak figure, Cruger saved Z from an alien that attacked her and picked up her torn necklace, with Z never knowing who he was until years later. (Episode: Sam)

On Earth, Anubis founded the S.P.D. Earth Academy and trained the elite S.P.D. Ranger squads. He sends the A-Squad Rangers to the Helix Nebula to fight at the front line against Grumm, not realising this was a trap by Gruumm to take out Earth's front line of defense. When he hears that Gruumm is on his way to Earth and could not contact the A-Squad, he promotes the B-Squad Rangers to active status and gives Schyler "Sky" Tate, Bridge Carson, and Sydney "Syd" Drew a set of S.P.D. Morphers. They were soon rejoined by Elizabeth "Z" Delgado, and Jack Landors,

When General Benagg showed up on Earth, it brought back horrible memories and tough emotions for Commander Cruger. At first he did not want to face them, but with the help of the B-Squad Rangers and Kat Manx, Commander Cruger took on his past and Benagg. Kat had made Doggie a new compact device, S.P.D. Patrol Morpher, allowing him to morph into the S.P.D. Shadow Ranger. (Episode: Shadow)

During a training session with Jack, Cruger claims to be holding back as it wasn't a battle, but a lesson in swordsmanship, after a few hits, Doggie defeats Jack, saying that it was enough for the day, when Jack attempts to surprise attack Cruger while his back is turned, the Commander breaks Jack's sword. After they demorph, Jack says that if he had Cruger's Shadow Saber he could probably beat him, but he disagrees, saying that even if he gives him his sword and took what was left of his, he'll still defeat Jack, due to his arrogance and his belief that is the sword what makes the difference and not the swordsman. After Gruumm brings and alien Samurai from the past, Cruger sends the Rangers to Kyoto, Japan in order to solve the problem. When a giant robot appears in Kyoto, Cruger tells Kat about it and Kat says that she can transport the Delta Base to Kyoto but also informs him that by transporting the Delta Base, they will leave Newtech City completely defenseless. Cruger answers saying that he understands the risk but they can't afford to let Gruumm get a foothold anywhere on Earth, the Delta Base transforms and leaves Newtech City with the Rangers summoning the Delta Runners and combining to battle the giant robot. Cruger sends Jack to find Katana in order to find Gruumm's true motives, but Jack tells Doggie to give him the Shadow Saber, saying that Katana is a great master and he easily beat all five Rangers, Cruger tells Jack that he doesn't need his sword and all is in his head, but Jack demands the saber, saying that they have little time. Cruger gives him the sword, saying that it is a Shadow Saber. Jack eventually beats Katana and sends him back to his time while the Rangers beat the giant robot, later, Jack and Commander Cruger meet outside, worth Cruger telling Jack that he did not give him the Shadow Saber as the saber reverts to its true form in Jack's hands. Jack is upset that Commander Cruger let him take on the most powerful Samurai in the history with an ordinary sword. but the Commander points out that Jack won and challenges him to another lesson. They both suit up and begin to duel. (Episode: Samurai)

After B-Squad was thrown into captivity along with Cruger, they all escaped with Piggy's help. B-Squad returned to Earth while Cruger morphed and engaged Gruumm in battle card-capturing Mora along the way. Cruger came out the winner and rescued Isinia while Grumm apparently fell to his death, but he had one more task to complete. Cruger was tasked with opening an access panel in the left arm of the Magnificence, which would allow the S.W.A.T. Megazord to destroy it with a maxed-out laser blast. He did, and the Megazord fired, causing the Magnificence to implode, destroying Omni and saving Earth and the universe. Cruger was thought dead, but he and Isinia survived. This discovery overjoyed the Rangers.

Gruumm survived as well, and engaged Cruger (who was unmorphed) one last time, only to lose his left horn and be contained. Following the battle, he promoted B-Squad to A-level, only to have them refuse because ultimately, they were the B Squad, the team that had come through their trials together. Cruger made Squad B be the highest Ranger level at S.P.D. on the spot, saying then that there would be no A-Squad. He also promoted Sky to Red Ranger status, and Bridge to Blue Ranger status following the departure of Jack. There was no mention of a new Green S.P.D. Ranger.

In the first half of the two-part Operation Overdrive episode "Once a Ranger", it's revealed that an unknown amount of time after the finale of S.P.D., Cruger is promoted to Supreme Commander when Fowler Birdy retires, bringing about the subsequent promotions of Sky Tate to Commander of S.P.D. Earth, and Bridge Carson to B-Squad's leader as the Red Ranger. It is unknown if he kept his Shadow Ranger powers, or if he passed them down to Sky when Sky was promoted to his old position.


Personality and attributes

Cruger is portrayed as a good judge of character. He gives both Jack Landors and Elizabeth Delgado, two criminals, a chance at redemption by making them Rangers, and sees the potential in Boom when he drops out of the Academy.

He takes a very hardline approach to discipline and training, once deliberately letting the Rangers see he was watching them being defeated and not intervening in order to make them stop relying on Shadow Ranger to solve their battles for them. Sometimes he can go too far, at which point Kat will argue against him.

Cruger is not fond of his superior officer, Supreme Commander Fowler Birdy. He demonstrates this in his referring to Birdy as "that overstuffed pelican". The two do not have similar strategic styles, and this temporarily resulted in Cruger being dismissed and relieved of command duty. However, Birdy changed his tune forever when the Shadow Ranger showed up to save him from Gruumm.

Although he believed that his wife was dead since the Battle of Sirius, an encounter with his old friend-turned-enemy Icthior cast doubt on that belief. When Cruger used his Morpher/judgement scanner for abducting his wife, the morpher "acquitted" Icthior. Icthior then claimed that Isinia Cruger was still alive, and Cruger wasn't sure what to believe. He never told the B-Squad about his marriage to Isinia or about her in general—keeping his painful secret from everyone but Kat.

The question was answered after he was taken captive by A-Squad. He saw her being held captive onboard Gruumm's spacecraft. Also when the A-Squad returned he started to ignore B-Squad and they thought that he was just demoting them on purpose and was going to ignore them again although he presumably did this because of procedure. Dr. Kat Manx admitted to the B-Squad when they went to fight the A-Squad that he told her that they were the best squad that he ever had the pleasure of working with showing them just how highly he really thought of them.

Powers and abilities

While unmorphed, Cruger has the power of super speed.

He is armed with his Patrol Morpher (his morphing call of "S.P.D. Emergency!" is the same as the other S.P.D. Rangers, but his morpher is different, as the normally white SPD text is black), the Shadow Saber, and the Delta Command Megazord (in reality, the S.P.D. Base). As the Shadow Ranger, he has proved to be a great asset to the B-Squad Rangers. While morphed, his Shadow Sabre can launch a fireball finisher; he whings it round in a circle, then slashes through it.


  • Anubis Cruger featured in the setting of Power Rangers S.P.D.


  • Power Rangers S.P.D.:

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