Arnold Toht

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Toht, with the Headpiece of Ra burned into his palm.

Arnold Ernst Toht was a Nazi Gestapo agent charged with acquiring the headpiece of the Staff of Ra for Colonel Dietrich. He failed, although he did supply Dietrich with one half of the medallion's inscriptions when they became burned into his hand as a result of Toht trying, unsuccessfully, to pull the headpiece from the fire in Marion Ravenwood's Nepalese tavern. Toht was, eventually, killed when Renee Belloq opened the Ark of the Covenant, and the Gestapo agent was melted by the wrath of God.

He was survived by his sister, Ilsa Toht.


In the original script for Raiders of the Lost Ark, Toht was called Belzig, and died along with Major Gobler when their car drove off a cliff. He also dies this way in Campbell Black's novelization of the movie.

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